The Most Destructive Leader Trait

By | September 16, 2022

[September 16, 2022]  Much can be said about the many traits we find in the best of leaders; loyalty, morality, courage, accountability, etc.  Conversely, much has been written about destructive leader traits that damage their organization and act as impediments to excellence.  But among those destructive traits, which one is the most damaging?  Which is the most caustic… Read More »

Are the Basic Characteristics of Leaders Different?

By | September 15, 2022

[September 15, 2022]  I’ve been asked this question many times and the answer is, of course, “no” … the characteristics of leaders are the same as all other leaders.  To some of my friends, they were a bit surprised by my answer because, like many people, they are confusing leadership style with leadership characteristics. This may only be… Read More »

Leadership Means Uniting for a Common Cause

By | September 14, 2022

[September 14, 2022] It has been written repeatedly among those who study great leaders that one of their most sought-after characteristics is to unite people for a common cause.  Such a rare capability is desirable in the obvious but requires great strength of courage, broad experience, and wisdom.  To unite is the epitome of greatness. “Divide and rule,… Read More »

Personal Energy: an outward Display

By | September 12, 2022

[September 12, 2022]  Several new movies about Britain’s PM Winston Churchill are out.  Historical inaccuracies aside, these movies and other sources tell us that Churchill is a revered figure worldwide for his leadership during World War II.  We also know that Churchill had high personal energy, which helped him get things done. Churchill was also intellectually brilliant, highly… Read More »

First Wave at Omaha Beach

By | August 18, 2022

[August 18, 2022]  In The Atlantic’s November 1960 issue, S.L.A. Marshall gives an account of the “epic human tragedy” that unfolded when Allied troops landed on the shores of Normandy on D-Day.1  Recently, the article was highlighted in their magazine because it tells a story rarely told but one we need to hear. “Normandy was an American victory;… Read More »

The FBI in Decline: Agent Bryce’s Opinion

By | August 17, 2022

[August 17, 2022]  As regular readers of my leadership know, a recently retired FBI senior agent has taken it upon himself to expose the corruption within this once great organization.  With the recent raid on former-President Trump’s home in Florida, Agent Delf A.  “Jelly” Bryce has been working diligently to provide an update to us.  We should all… Read More »

Eulogy for a Boy Scout

By | July 26, 2022

[July 26, 2022]  Sunday morning I was informed that one of our Eagle Scouts, a Boy Scout since he was 7 years old (a Tiger Cub), had passed away in his sleep.  Any time we lose a loved one, good friend, or someone who showed promise, spirit, and friendliness, we mourn for their loss to us and our… Read More »