Be Like a Lion

By | July 16, 2022

[July 16, 2022]  Be like a Lion; that way, you walk with the awareness that nobody will mess with you.  Stand up straight.  Look directly ahead, and you will be feared.  Learn to defend yourself in a fistfight and against others with weapons. Be like a lion; dangerous, courageous, willing to fight, a hunter, and perhaps someday, a… Read More »

Can You Protect Your Children?

By | June 20, 2022

[June 20, 2022]  Here’s a realistic perspective on life.  Life is difficult, and you cannot protect your children.  What you can do is prepare them to be strong, courageous, truthful, and resilient in their interaction with other people.  This means that you equip them for what life will be, which at a minimum, is a series of difficult… Read More »

Eating Meals with Others

By | June 10, 2022

[June 10, 2022]  Long before I was introduced to the “business luncheon,” I’d found it professionally productive to eat meals with others.  Yet, I took ‘eating meals with others’ for granted and overlooked the many not-so-obvious benefits.  Some nihilists would say I do this to enhance my career; they would be wrong. In an earlier article titled Eating… Read More »