Memorial Day 2022

[May 30, 2022]  Each Memorial Day, I write a short reminder to those in my community on what I see as this special day of remembrance.  Below, I’ve copied it in full. This Memorial Day, our Veterans’ Club calls upon its members and our Four Seasons friends and neighbors to join others across the United States in a… Read More »

Always attend Funerals

[May 27, 2022]  My brother and I stood there, looking at the casket of our great-grandfather.  This was the first funeral we ever attended.  Neither of us wanted to be there.  My father made it clear, “You’re going to the funeral, do it for the family.”  I couldn’t talk, my brother cried, we were both in shock from… Read More »

Know Your Enemy

[May 24, 2022]  Never underestimate your enemy.  The ‘enemy’ symbolically refers to people opposed to you, those with competitive opposing ideas, desires, and missions.  They could be an opposing army, a terrorist group, a strongman dictator, a megalomaniac who wants to destroy the world, or the metaphysical Devil.  The enemy can be as tiny as a drunk friend… Read More »

People are Social Creatures

By | April 7, 2022

[April 7, 2022]  “Don’t bunch up!”  Army Sergeant William Duchy yelled as a gaggle of new Privates was training how to conduct an attack on a simulated enemy position.  “Spread out!”  People are social creatures, and when under stress, people want to be physically close to one another. As a young adult, I read about the American Revolution. … Read More »