From Caring Comes Courage

By | February 25, 2019

[February 25, 2019] These words are by the legendary Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu; written more than two millennia ago. Courage is an attribute that is highly prized; and it matters not from what culture we observe. To study the idea of courage is to gain a better understanding of its nature, its benefits, and why it exists. “From… Read More »

Why Leadership is Crucial and How to Obtain More

By | February 23, 2019

[February 23, 2019]  The largest companies that have a very prominent public image have leadership styles that are known by the general public. For instance, Google is known for introducing things such as co-working spaces and cafeterias that feature gourmet food in an environment that fosters self-sufficiency. What this means is that Google isn’t exactly known for having… Read More »

Reading List (Update): Life Lessons

By | February 22, 2019

[February 22, 2019]  Yesterday, while reading some of the comments in my post about Good Habits, several readers commented on a 2017 book by Admiral William McRaven.  They liked it.  This past weekend I was winter camping with a Boy Scout Troop, and I was able to apply some of McRaven’s thinking to the activities these boys undertook. … Read More »