The Trolley Problem: Solved

[May 13, 2018]  The first time a soldier goes to war, that individual wonders how they will react when confronted with a situation that requires them to kill another human being.  Will the soldier do as they are trained, freeze-up, run away, or do something else?  This unknown is the essence of the Trolley Problem. When confronted by… Read More »

Leaders Don’t Panic

[May 11, 2018]  On a quiet night where little enemy activity had been a pleasant break from the incessant mortar and rocket attacks on our small outpost, one lone rocket hit our unit’s ammunition storage bunker.  Things went haywire after that.  But leaders don’t panic and we were able to contain the fire and explosions rather quickly. Real… Read More »

The FBI in Decline

By guest blogger Delf A. “Jelly” Bryce [See Biography] [May 8, 2018]  Greetings.  I’m new to General Satterfield’s leadership blog so he thought it right to say a few words about myself.  First, I was a member of the Federal Bureau of Investigation for nearly 20 years.  Second, I firmly believe in the rule of law, a non-political… Read More »

What’s the Standard?

[May 7, 2018]  It was ten years ago but it seemed like yesterday.  I was standing with three fellow U.S. military officers discussing our electrical designs for a construction project in the country of Iraq.  We were at war and a young Engineer Lieutenant asked us a simple question, What’s the standard? We never answered that question with… Read More »

Listen to All Criticism

[May 6, 2018]  Wilson, a childhood friend of mine, was an exceptionally smart guy but he had a real dislike of people who would criticize him in any way.  One of the more difficult things for anyone to do is to listen patiently to criticism about themselves. This is a tough one.  Wilson is someone without much tolerance… Read More »