Find Your Next Mission

By | January 1, 2022

[January 1, 2022]  I believe it most appropriate to look ahead to the future in this first article of the New Year.  The year 2022 will bring unexpected challenges to advocates of liberty, self-determination, and prosperity.  Those who chose the most challenging way ahead to this end will be rewarded as we find our next mission in life.… Read More »

How Business Leaders Accelerate Growth

By | December 27, 2021

[December 27, 2021]  Launching your own business comes with the brand establishment and business growth. Unfortunately, all this doesn’t happen overnight. Growth is an ongoing process that requires hard work, dedication, and patience. There isn’t a secret way to surpass competitors in the industry for achieving immediate success. However, there are some proven ways that business leaders in… Read More »

How To Be a Successful Marketing Leader

By | December 23, 2021

[December 23, 2021]  Do you want to be one of the most successful marketing leaders today? Profound marketing expertise can help create the perfect strategy to drive and grow any business. Having spent over 240 billion dollars in 2019 on advertising alone, the United States is often referred to as the largest advertising market in the world. Business… Read More »

Principles of Military Leadership  (Part 2)

By | December 22, 2021

[December 22, 2021]  Leadership is hard.  Military leadership (that applies to leaders preparing for and being in combat) is tough.  There are several famous writers on leadership (e.g., Druker, Maxwell, Bennis) who provide insight into several principles of leadership. Yesterday, I wrote Part 1 and listed many of those principles.  These “principles” are commonly found by those writing… Read More »

Principles of Military Leadership  (Part 1)

By | December 21, 2021

[December 21, 2021]  Search the Internet or read just about any book on military leadership, and you will find a wide range of “principles” of military leadership.  Of course, that a good because most of what is written stays within the classic lines of leadership.  For example, good communications and knowing your weaknesses will top most lists. Today,… Read More »

Battle of the Bulge

By | December 18, 2021

[December 18, 2021]  This week begins the 77th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge.  For those who no longer study history, you cannot learn important lessons like courage, tenacity, flexibility, and honor.  This anniversary, perhaps, can begin you down the right path. The German name, for what became known as the Battle of the Bulge, was Operation… Read More »

Book Signing on a Range

By | December 12, 2021

[December 12, 2021] I had a book signing at my favorite local shooting locale this past Friday afternoon.  Range 129, located in the town next to mine, is a large, clean, family-run business; and it shows in their exemplary customer service.  The owners were kind enough to permit me to sell my books and bought a few, as… Read More »