Who is Richard O’Kane?

By | November 25, 2021

[November 25, 2021]  If you were in the U.S. Navy, you just might have heard of Richard O’Kane.  More often called “Dick” O’Kane, he was one of the most courageous submariners of all time.  Why his name and story are rarely told is hard for me to explain.  It should be told.  His stories of attacks on Japanese… Read More »

A Parent’s Letter to Read

By | November 21, 2021

[November 21, 2021]  Brearley, it’s a private all-girls school on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.  It costs $54,000 a year and prospective families apparently have to take an “anti-racism pledge” to be considered for admission. Gutmann chose to pull his daughter, who has been in the school since kindergarten, and sent this missive to all 600 or… Read More »

The Allure of Irresponsibility

By | November 14, 2021

[November 14, 2021]  The allure of irresponsibility is too strong to resist.  Our most admired institutions (academia, the military, large corporations) are failing American citizens and hurting democracy through their encouragement of irresponsibility. In academia, we are unfocused, individualized, and scattered.  A cultural void has descended upon us and hit unexpectedly, for we were not on guard.  Ignorance… Read More »

Are We Brave?

By | November 12, 2021

[November 12, 2021]  No, we are not brave!  This admission may come as a shock to many, but nearly every person I’ve ever met, whether in the military or civilian life, are cowards, and so am I.  We put up a good front, of course, and we do this by talking big, owning cool stuff, and belonging to… Read More »

Veterans Day 2021

By | November 11, 2021

[November 11, 2021]  For more than two centuries, ordinary men and women held their hands up as they were sworn to “protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”  From that small beginning, our Veterans began a journey that took them where very few go. Why do people, and our society, look up to our Veterans?  The… Read More »