Beginners Essential Guide to Executive Coaching

By | October 30, 2021

[October 30, 2021]  Executive coaching is a professional development activity that can be beneficial for both leaders and their employees. If you’re considering hiring an executive coach for your organization, you’ll want to learn more about what they do and how they can help. What is Executive Coaching? Executive coaching is a professional development activity that helps leaders… Read More »

On Being Thick-Skinned

By | October 28, 2021

[October 28, 2021]  A well-known characteristic of great leaders is a thick-skinned personality. This is only possible when the leader is one that possesses extensive, broadly-based, and relevant experiences. Yet, this does not necessarily mean the leader is arrogant or uncaring. In the best of leaders, being thick-skinned means also being humble and optimistic. Being thick skinned means… Read More »

The Leader Ability to Forgive

By | October 19, 2021

[October 19, 2021]  One of the most misunderstood and misinterpreted characteristic of a leader is the ability to forgive.  Rarely talked about and while practiced by many, unevenly applied. Leaders who practice forgiveness will benefit everyone in their organization and simultaneously retain the best worker talent and improve performance. People make mistakes – some unintentional and some by… Read More »

Missed Opportunities, Hardly Tryin’

By | October 18, 2021

By guest blogger Sadako Red [see disclaimer] [October 18, 2021]  Nothing is more galling than missing an obvious opportunity to do good or to succeed and we all know it.  We know it in our bones!  We know that to do so means a missed chance that will never show itself again.  I was once young and had… Read More »

Are Military Leader Characteristics Different?

By | October 15, 2021

[October 15, 2021]  I’ve been asked the question, are military leader traits different, several times.  The answer is, of course, “no” … the characteristics of military leaders are the same as all other leaders.  To some of my friends, they were a bit surprised by my answer because, like many people, they are confusing leadership style with leadership… Read More »

The Most Destructive Leader Trait

By | October 4, 2021

[October 4, 2021]  A lot can be said about the many traits we find in the best of leaders; loyalty, morals, courage, accountability, etc. Conversely, there has been much written about destructive leader characteristics, those traits that damage those inside their organization and act as impediments to excellence.  But among those destructive traits, which one is the most… Read More »