What Can Leaders Learn from Harvey Weinstein?

By | October 12, 2017

[October 12, 2017]  Learning from the successes of great leaders is something all leaders should strive to do.  But the lessons we get from those leaders who fail is truly beneficial to our leadership development.  Can leaders learn from the recently revealed Harvey Weinstein scandal by seeing what went wrong and why? The answer should be self evident. … Read More »

Characteristic# 104:  Generosity

By | October 11, 2017

[October 11, 2017]  Fundamental traits of what constitutes a great leader never changes.  Those characteristics that stand out as key component of greatness will remain the same as long as people remain humans and just as our wants and desires remain unchanged.  One of those important traits that cannot go without mentioning here is generosity; a universal leader… Read More »

Good Leaders are Never Victims

By | October 10, 2017

[October 10, 2017]  A number of my old college buddies disagree with me.  They disagree that leaders are never victims … but my buddies are, perhaps, talking about something different.  I believe that good leaders are never victims because leadership means having a positive outlook and possessing a be-prepared approach to life. “There are hunters, and there are… Read More »

Don’t Ignore the Obvious

By | October 9, 2017

[October 9, 2017]  After a wild afternoon where I burnt down the cotton fields behind their house, I sat down to dinner with both my grandparents.  This was the same place where I was paid 10¢ a day to pick cotton and learned about teamwork.  That day as a young child, I was to learn another valuable lesson;… Read More »

Don’t Find Fault, Find a Remedy

By | October 8, 2017

[October 8, 2017]  Henry Ford, one of the best known captains of American industry, said this decades ago but it still provides us with a good working leadership philosophy today.  The difference between a follower and a leader can be summed up in these few words; where one person finds fault (or problems), the other finds solutions.  Don’t… Read More »

Lazy Leadership

By | October 6, 2017

[October 6, 2017]  Trustworthiness …  it all boils down to whether people trust a leader and that trust becomes the interconnectedness of reliability, believability, and respectability.  We have all seen it.  Each of us has had the displeasure to observe the destruction that lazy leadership brings the workplace, the home, and those things we’ve built.  It destroys trustworthiness.… Read More »

The Catalonia Independence Movement

By | October 5, 2017

[October 5, 2017]  Who is Carles Puigdemont and what is Catalonia?  Until just recently, Mr. Puigdemont was an unknown outside Spain and parts of Europe.  He is currently the President of the Generalitat of Catalonia, a province of northeastern Spain and the person leading the Catalonia independence movement. This independence movement of Catalonia to secede from Spain is… Read More »

Leadership Means to Know Your People

By | October 4, 2017

[October 4, 2017] My wife has me watching a British detective series called Inspector Lewis. It must have been successful because it went nine seasons. In this episode, while visiting a police officer in the hospital, Inspector Lewis gives an injured officer a box of chocolates but realizes she is allergic to them. Lewis asks why his Sergeant… Read More »