“Our Longest Year in Iraq” (2021)

By | October 2, 2021

A Story that Needs Telling Military historians have failed if their objective was to portray the reality of war.  Here’s General Satterfield‘s story, in his own words, of the Engineer Soldiers’ exploits on the battlefields of Iraq.  His story is told to understand war, appreciate the Soldier, and comprehend what happened and why. It is the American ideal… Read More »

Are We a Flabby, Cowardly, Cynical, Leftist Lot?

By | October 2, 2021

[October 2, 2021]  A Gallup poll in October 1940 found American youth as “a flabby, pacifist, yellow, cynical, discouraged, and leftist lot.”  On the precipice of war, the United States was wholly unprepared militarily or socially.  We were, indeed, a cowardly, leftist lot.  Today, we are no different. We honor and respect the Greatest Generation; those who served… Read More »

My Newest Book Now Available

By | September 25, 2021

[September 25, 2021]  Three months ago, I began writing a short narrative about my time on the battlefield of Iraq.  The book is now available in Kindle or Paperback.  I kept the price low and the writing is not technical.  I did this to encourage anyone who wants to know what happened early in the Iraq War to… Read More »

The Worst Leader Trait

By | September 20, 2021

[September 20, 2021]  A lot can be said about the many traits we find in the best of leaders: loyalty, morally courageous, accountability, etc.  Conversely, there has been little written about destructive leader characteristics, those traits that damage those inside their organization and act as impediments to excellence.  But among those destructive traits, which one is the most… Read More »

Uniting for a Common Cause

By | September 13, 2021

[September 13, 2021]  It has been written repeatedly among those who study leadership that one of their most sought-after characteristics is the ability to unite people for a common cause. Such a rare capability is desirable in the obvious but requires great strength of courage, broad experience, and wisdom. To unite is the epitome of greatness. “Divide and… Read More »

Preamble to Leadership

By | September 10, 2021

[September 10, 2021]  Tomorrow, of course, is the 20th anniversary of the radical Islamic terror attacks on the homeland of the United States.  There are many lessons to be learned.  From our lack of preparation to how we carried out the war against those who brought terrorism to our shores, there is something to be gained from its… Read More »