The Strength of Self-Discipline

By | September 8, 2021

[September 8, 2021]  From George Washington to George Patton, all had something in common with the great leaders across history.  Each had the strength of self-discipline in their lives.  Self-discipline helps people connect today’s behavior with tomorrow’s results; allowing a leader to know what is the right thing to do. Good leaders live by their ability to establish… Read More »

The Most Destructive Leader Traits

By | September 6, 2021

[September 6, 2021]  A lot can be said about the many traits we find in the best of leaders; loyalty, moral courage, accountability, etc.  Conversely, much is written about destructive leader traits, those that damage those inside their organization and act as impediments to excellence.1 But among those destructive traits, which one is the most damaging?  Which trait… Read More »

Advanced Book Announcement [Update]

By | August 24, 2021

[August 24, 2021]   In September, I will publish my first book, “Our Longest Year in Iraq.”  This is an advanced book announcement.  When my book hits the stores, it will be first available for your Kindle device.  You can read it on other electronic devices as well.  And a paperback version will come out as well. [Update]  Here… Read More »

Great Leaders have Unquestionable Integrity

By | August 22, 2021

[August 22, 2021]    If there is but one characteristic of great leaders that stands tall above all others, it is the possession of unquestionable integrity.  Without it, all the other key leader traits will amount to nothing at all. “The supreme quality for leadership is unquestionably integrity. Without it, no real success is possible, no matter whether… Read More »

Building Trust

By | August 19, 2021

[August 19, 2021]  A fundamental attribute of any leader is the ability to build trust in the people who work for us, supervisors, peers and associates, and clients.  Building and managing that trust ranks as one of the top factors to achieve and sustain high levels of organizational strength.  It is also a measure of a leader’s successful… Read More »

Police Turn their Backs to Chicago Mayor

By | August 12, 2021

[August 12, 2021]  In a recent incident this past Saturday night, the police turned their backs to anti-police Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot when she visited the hospital where an officer is in critical condition.  The officers’ female partner, Ella French, died from injuries suffered at a routine traffic stop.  Two brothers were arrested for her murder.1 The hospitalized… Read More »

Military Heroes in My Time

By | August 3, 2021

[August 3, 2021]  My first memories are listening to the stories of war veterans tell their stories and the sounds of baseball games played.  Before entering First Grade, I could name the top generals of World War II and Korea.  These men were military heroes in my time. Combat veterans would tell us kids tales of their wartime… Read More »

Political Leadership:  Charlie Kirk

By | July 27, 2021

[July 27, 2021]  Charlie Kirk is a conservative political commentator, author, and radio talk show host.  He founded Turning Point USA1 and is its executive director.  Charlie Kirk is an example of young people today pushing back on political extremism based on neo-Marist ideology and the political system that promotes anti-Americanism.  In doing so, he shows us passionate… Read More »