Good Habits #27: Have Patience

By | November 17, 2016

[November 17, 2016]  Leaders are trained to be and experienced in being proactive; aggressively pursuing missions, tasks, and goals is expected and good.  Inaction is shunned like Joan of Arc who was burned at the stake in 1431.  Great leadership means patience and knowing when to employ the precise timing of rare, aggressive action. “Patience is not an… Read More »

Groupthink: a Leader’s Curse

By | November 15, 2016

[November 15, 2016]  If there’s ever been a group of leaders stereotyped as falling into the trap of groupthink, it’s the military.  Groupthink, however, is real and is a leader’s curse to be avoided like a pestilence of locusts.  The recent U.S. election is a classic case of the media, pollsters, and political experts who fell for groupthink… Read More »

Reading List (Update)

By | November 14, 2016

[November 14, 2016]  While waiting to vote this past week, Election Day Tuesday, I struck up a conversation with an older gentleman and his wife.  He was a Korean War veteran, she a retired state judge, both were vivid reminders of how much our older generation still has to contribute.  While none of us volunteered who we would… Read More »

Americans Reject Neutrality

By | November 13, 2016

[November 13, 2016]  The United States of America is an unusual nation in many ways; including a short and sometimes violent history, a strong belief in democracy, freedom, and liberty, and Judeo-Christian values.  There was a time however that it was a nation that did not look beyond its borders and it explains why the government passed what… Read More »

Veterans Day Speech on the Need for Good Leadership

By | November 11, 2016

[November 11, 2016]  Speeches sometimes have good information in them, sometimes the speaker is actually good, and sometimes both come together for remarkable experience.  I don’t personally believe that I’ve reached that pinnacle but nothing will stop me from trying.  For Veterans Day my speech at an upstate New York college is presented here in full. The speech… Read More »

A Most Astonishing Election

By | November 10, 2016

[November 10, 2016]  The first election I can remember as a young child was when John F. Kennedy (Democrat) ran against Rich Nixon (Republican) in 1960 and won.  Rarely am I any longer surprised about election results but I had bought into current predictions of all the pollsters, political pundits, news reports, etc. that Hillary Clinton would easily… Read More »

U.S. Presidential Election 2016

By | November 9, 2016

[November 9, 2016]  Well, America has a newly elected president; an upset victory by Donald Trump.  This election was unusually contentious and divisive.  Furthermore, to add to the new president’s problems, the U.S. today is weaker and less respected than ever while the world is far more dangerous than any time since World War II.  This presidential election… Read More »