Ready, Relevant, Resilient Leader Education

[May 18, 2021]  I have been consistent throughout my adult life in recommending a formal college education for those who want to advance themselves, especially leaders.  It’s an easy choice to make.  But today, I question such thinking.  I question it because our formalized education system no longer fulfills the function as designed. Education was once about the… Read More »

Profile: General Curtis LeMay

[May 3, 2021]  It is said that hard times create hard men.  World War II was a war that characterized hard times, and out of that trauma came Curtis LeMay, a hard man; the youngest and longest-serving general in modern American history.  He rose from obscurity, lacking social graces, old-boy connections, or lineage to become America’s most innovative… Read More »

Underestimating Intellectual Discipline

By | April 15, 2021

[April 15, 2021]  We all make mistakes, and I have certainly made enough myself.  One stands out in my preparation for a professional career.  Whether it was in college studying engineering or as a young lieutenant in the Army, I underestimated the intellectual discipline needed to achieve great things. Is the lack of intellectual discipline simply laziness?  I… Read More »

You Can’t Buy Valor

By | April 8, 2021

[April 8, 2021]  Valor is a word we do not often hear.  Valor is showing great courage in the face of extreme danger, especially in battle.  Often, I’ve written about heroes who show courage and bravery confronting many challenges that life throws our way.  ‘Valor’ means voluntarily facing mortal danger to protect others. “You shall, I question not,… Read More »

How Can Leaders Ensure Workplace Success?

By | April 4, 2021

[April 4, 2021]  Having hundreds of expert employees won’t be enough if they don’t have anyone to look up to. A leader acts as an anchor point that keeps the organization or the team in sync. But not everyone possesses the qualities of being a leader? After all, the people must be keen to work under you if you… Read More »

Military Don’t Tread on Me Patch

By | March 28, 2021

[March 28, 2021]  You just gotta love the U.S. military.  Once again, the Navy is considering banning their First Navy Jack patch.  “Disappointing” is what one Navy petty officer said to me over coffee.  I believe this sentiment is common when Navy personnel see their senior leaders as overly concerned about the patch with the motto Don’t Tread… Read More »