Why Doesn’t America Fight to Win Wars

By | June 22, 2016

[June 22, 2016]  Army Vet reflects today on POLITICS and WINNING WARS. I was sitting at my favorite bar the other evening discussing my favorite topic with a couple of halfwits who thought we fought the French and Canadians in World War II.  The lack of historical knowledge of most Americans (our education system is stuck on stupid)… Read More »

The Boxer Rebellion, Colonialism, & Communism

By | June 20, 2016

[June 20, 2016]  If it weren’t for the movie 55 Days at Peking, most Westerners would know little about an important event in China that had a worldwide impact that resonates soundly today.1  The Boxer Rebellion was an outgrowth of colonial powers interfering with Chinese society resulting in China adopting Communism. This is why the study of history… Read More »

Watergate Scandal, Failed Leadership, & Courage

By | June 17, 2016

[June 17, 2016]  One popular theory in the study of psychology tells us that humans will lie, cheat, and steal if given the opportunity.  While critics of the theory note the theory’s pessimistic view of the human mind, it nevertheless has some truth in it.  The Watergate scandal was one of those times when failed leadership, mixed with… Read More »

The Man Who Saved a Billion Lives

By | June 15, 2016

[June 15, 2016]  When we speak of a hero, we normally think of someone who does something that requires great physical or moral courage … but that doesn’t always apply, especially in modern times.  Since the beginning of time, animals have lived on the edge of starvation.  One man, Norman Borlaug however made such a tremendous contribution to… Read More »

Are We Serious About Terrorism? (Part 2)

By | June 14, 2016

[June 14, 2016]  Yesterday it was proposed that the world is serious about terrorism yet no country has taken decisive steps to really undermine the effectiveness of terror.  Yes … terrorism works and is very effective.  However, the lack of any coherent strategy to defeat the current wave of Islamic extremism is the primary reason used to justify… Read More »

Are We Serious About Terrorism? (Part 1)

By | June 13, 2016

[June 13, 2016]  Yesterday morning a Muslim extremist opened fire inside a Florida gay club killing at least 50 people and injuring many more.  Across much of the Western world, Islamic terrorism has steadily grown to a point that governments are now on notice to “do something.”  That leads us to a crucial leadership question; are we serious… Read More »