The Sergeant York Patriotic Foundation

By | March 23, 2021

[March 23, 2021]  A couple of days ago, I wrote about WWII hero Hershel “Woody” Williams.  He was awarded the Medal of Honor at the Battle of Iwo Jima.  Woody told me of the importance of education in developing today’s youth.  And, fortunately, Woody’s mission is similar to that of the Sergeant York Patriotic Foundation (SYPF). Occasionally, I… Read More »

Deeds, Not Words

By | February 13, 2021

[February 13, 2021]   Since the first thinking humans walked this Earth, the eternal question, “Who am I?” has been asked.  There is general agreement that it is our character that defines us and thus best answers that question.  This fact is why I chose Deeds Not Words as the title of today’s article. Bad things happen, and… Read More »

Eating With the Privates

By | February 7, 2021

[February 7, 2021]  I spent my first year in the U.S. Army as a Private (E-1, in military jargon).  A private is the lowest rank, least experienced, most impressionable soldier.  They make up the largest population of soldiers, and we find lots of them on the battlefield.  My peers from the Officer corps put little faith in them. … Read More »

Joe Biden: Leadership, Competence, & Character

By | January 21, 2021

[January 21, 2021]  Yesterday, Joe Biden took the oath of office of the President of the United States. With it, he promised to unite a nation divided, support the Constitution, and restore American core values.  As well, he describes himself as a political moderate. Leadership: Those who occupy positions of great authority in government have an inherent responsibility… Read More »