The Rat Patrol: Lessons Not Forgotten

By | January 10, 2021

[January 10, 2021]  Sociologists tell us that culture affects perception, and perceptions drive behavior.  Some parts of our culture influence us in different ways, and some are more powerful than others.  Growing up, like so many kids, I watched television and saw something exciting and educational.  One show that I favored was The Rat Patrol (1966-1968). Starring Christopher… Read More »

Ethical Standards

By | January 3, 2021

[January 3, 2021]  In 1978, I was promoted to the rank of Staff Sergeant in the U.S. Army.  Part reward, part professional development, several sergeants from my unit toured the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, NY.  We were impressed.  Standards of ethical behavior were clear in their Cadet Honor Code. “A Cadet will not lie, cheat, steal,… Read More »

A Modern Leader’s Guide to Organizational Transparency

By | December 26, 2020

[December 26, 2020]  Organizational transparency is critical in the workplace. It builds trust with employees, boosts their productivity, and minimizes misunderstandings. Yet, many employers neglect it. According to the American Psychological Association, only 50% of employees believe that their employers are open with them. Here is a brief guide to workplace transparency. Encourage Employee Transparency Start by setting… Read More »

Importance of investing in Leadership Development Program

By | December 23, 2020

[December 24, 2020]  “The single biggest way to impact an organization is to focus on Leadership Development.” – John C. Maxwell. It is no surprise that everyone from Boomers to Gen Z; employees of different generation want to get better at leadership skills. LinkedIn Learning’s 2020 Workplace Learning Report found that leaders in learning and development, identified leadership and… Read More »

Are We a Flabby, Cowardly, Cynical, Leftist Lot?

By | December 14, 2020

[December 14, 2020]  A Gallup poll in October 1940 found American youth as “a flabby, pacifist, yellow, cynical, discouraged, and leftist lot.”  On the precipice of war, the United States was wholly unprepared militarily or socially.  We were, indeed, a cowardly, leftist lot.  Today, we are no different. We honor and respect the Greatest Generation; those who served… Read More »