Denver Broncos Win

By | February 8, 2016

[February 8, 2016]  Winning in professional sports, like most other activities, means having a great team, a well-developed plan, and in-synch leadership.  The Denver Broncos won Super Bowl 50 last night where it all came together for them and defense played a dominate role in the outcome.  But it also showed the difference in quarterback leadership styles; one… Read More »

Turning Boys into Men

By | February 8, 2016

[February 8, 2016]  If we look back to the time when the American Indian was strong in what is now the United States, they can be found devoting much of daily lives turning their young children into good men and women.  Turning boys into men was a particularly important affair since they would become the protectors of the… Read More »

Physical Courage and Leaders

By | February 7, 2016

[February 7, 2016]  It is rare that anyone of us today would find ourselves in such a situation that physical courage was necessary.  We normally think of it in the context of soldiers in wartime or of police and firefighters containing a dangerous situation.  And yet, having to willingly decide between death, injury, danger, and pain, many people… Read More »

Leadership and Pig Pen Cleaning

By | February 6, 2016

[February 6, 2016]  Teenagers are good at picking up on life’s little lessons.  Many of us do this through odd jobs while growing up and some of us were lucky enough to have a job that reinforces positive behaviors.  One of my jobs while living in northeast Louisiana was pig pen cleaning on my neighbor’s farm.1 My classmates… Read More »

Al Jazeera America Television Closing

By | February 3, 2016

[February 3, 2016]  It comes as no surprise to me that Al Jazeera America television is shuttering its doors.  According to reports, the Qatar-funded cable news network’s last broadcast will be April 30 this year.  After watching a CNN advertisement on an airport monitor two years ago, I wrote that no one would watch it because of its… Read More »

The Leadership Role in Propaganda (Part 3)

By | February 2, 2016

[February 2, 2016]  Continuing on the theme that strong leadership is the key to effective propaganda, a recent example of its employment will be discussed.  Admittedly there are many types of propaganda but I will focus this discussion of it at the national level for the purpose of understanding its wide-ranging affects. “Why is propaganda so much more… Read More »

Core Values: American Library Association

By | February 1, 2016

[February 1, 2016]  The published core values of any organization tells us a lot about the thinking of its senior leadership.  With some analysis we can see if they will have difficulty in achieving their mission or not.  Today, I’ll be highlighting the American Library Association (ALA) and their official core values. The ALA is an old organization,… Read More »

The Leadership Role in Propaganda (Part 2)

By | January 31, 2016

[January 31, 2016]  In this short series on propaganda, my central theme is that in order for it to be successful it must rely on strong leadership at its core.  Predictably, propaganda is associated with war since many a nation’s strongest leaders appear in their military services.  Of course, it is not limited to wartime and often makes… Read More »