Tips To Be a Leader Rather Than A Boss

By | November 21, 2020

[November 21, 2020]  Boss and leader are terms used interchangeably in the workplace setting. But there is a world of difference between both of them. While bosses command, leaders inspire; bosses place the blame, leaders accept the blame; bosses criticize, leaders encourage. If you are holding a supervisory role, reflect on your own actions to decide who you… Read More »

U.S. Marine Corps Birthday

By | November 10, 2020

[November 10, 2020]  My Army buddies and I have been fortunate to have worked with some of the most incredible people who have ever lived, members of our nation’s military services.  One group that we especially liked are called U.S. Marines.  Hooah!  Today is the 245th birthday of the founding of the Marine Corps. My wife, a real,… Read More »

Caretaker Leadership

By | November 5, 2020

[November 5, 2020]  I’ll begin by noting that the term caretaker leadership is almost never used.  The reason is that the two terms are an oxymoron when used together.  I have discovered, however, that caretaker leadership happens all the time when a leader is unwilling or unable to fulfill the inherent duties of leadership and yet remains in… Read More »

Vietnam Vet Quotes

By | October 28, 2020

77 QUOTES/NOTES/SNIPPETS from a VIETNAM WAR Veteran with PTSD: 1.  Inspire or be Inspired…Or Die 2. When you are at the intersection of this way and that way- Go your way. 3.  I pray today that all veteran deaths are due to natural causes. 4.  I pray today that all outbound homeless pick up buses for standdowns return… Read More »