U.S. Constitution Signed: September 17, 1787

By | September 17, 2015

[September 17, 2015]  Several years ago, several friends of mine attended a half-day seminar on the U.S. Constitution and were quickly aghast at how ordinary people like us older adults knew so little about the document.  If that were the case, we figured that our children and young folks probably knew even less … and we were right.… Read More »

Out of Date Leadership Training

By | September 14, 2015

[September 14, 2015]  When Abraham Lincoln reached the elected office of the President of the United States in 1861, he had not arrived at that point because of the formal training he had received but due to a life of unique experiences that educated him in the principles of leadership. Today, despite the fact that we recognize the… Read More »

Building Alliances

By | September 13, 2015

[September 13, 2015]  Most of us are very familiar with the story of General Armstrong Custer and how he was killed after the U.S. Civil War at the Battle of Little Bighorn.  But what many people don’t realize is that he graduated last in his class at West Point.  In part this explains the fact that his meteoric… Read More »

Who is Marquis de Lafayette?

By | September 12, 2015

[September 12, 2015]  We often learn quickly that establishing a good social network is beneficial in many ways.  Although difficult to measure the specific effectiveness of networks, senior leaders throughout time have taken great care to manage their network contacts.  Such it was with General George Washington who became close friends with Frenchman Marquis de Lafayette during the… Read More »

Local Leadership in Action: 9-11 Anniversary

By | September 11, 2015

[September 11, 2015]  After five years of work and planning, the Katy Texas Rotary Club and the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9182 are dedicating and consecrating the Freedom Park Memorial Tower today in Houston Texas.  The tower is “dedicated to the men and women that have served and will serve our country”1 and to remember the attacks… Read More »

Morale is Everything

By | September 10, 2015

[September 10, 2015]  In the history of warfare there are many examples that show that a large, heavily armed military force was defeated by a small, under-resourced opponent.  The difference has always been the level of morale in the force that won on the battlefield.  This can be applied to all organizations and that is why leaders focus… Read More »

How Do You Improve Citizenship?

By | September 9, 2015

[September 9, 2015]  The great debate over the mass refugee movement from the Middle East into Europe and general immigration into the United States rests on one’s perception of good citizenship.  Few people would oppose immigration if those coming into their country became contributing citizens.  The more important question before our leaders is how do you improve citizenship?… Read More »

You Have to Make Decisions When You’re Afraid

By | September 8, 2015

[September 8, 2015]  There are many traits that separate a true leader from a wannabe leader; that someone who lacks the requirements, skills, and talent to be an effective leader.  The true leader has the grit and the courage to do those necessary things even when they’re afraid of the consequences of a particular decision or action.  Usually… Read More »