Sometimes You’re the Bait

By | October 14, 2020

[October 14, 2020]  There will be times as a leader you will be the bait to attract unwanted attention and the enemy’s firepower.  During my first combat tour of duty, my small unit was tasked to build a small engineering project “outside the wire” to attract an enemy insurgent cell’s attention. Overlooking my unit was a Special Forces… Read More »

Charging into Danger

By | October 12, 2020

[October 12, 2020]  Shortly after the terror attacks on U.S. soil, September 11, 2001, I was sitting on an Army bus when I overhead two buck Sergeants talking.  The red-headed Sergeant said that he had wished he was on one of the commercial jets that had crashed into the World Trade Center a few days earlier.  He believed… Read More »

Leaders are NOT Neutral

By | October 10, 2020

[October 10, 2020]  Last night at our weekly Boy Scout meeting, the boys held an election to determine who would be their next Senior Patrol Leader.  The Scoutmaster, an experienced and fine gentleman, explained how the Scout election process worked and how to judge the candidates properly.  He made several important points.  First, among his points was that… Read More »

Essential Reads … or Maybe Not

By | October 7, 2020

[October 7, 2020]  Occasionally, I scour the Internet for writers who give suggestions about essential reads on leadership.  I’ve found them to be helpful most of the time, a few not so much.  Generally, however, their recommendations are worthwhile for junior leaders or those looking for a particular perspective.  I’m not yet convinced we always get the best… Read More »

Major Lessons I Learned in the U.S. Army

By | October 4, 2020

[October 4, 2020]  Yesterday, I was a guest on the “Welcome Home Veterans” radio show on WIBG 1020 AM and WIBG 101.3 FM.  Joe Griffies was host of the show and this guy, wow, he can talk.  Tomorrow, I’ll give write about that experience and what he is doing to help veterans across our nation.  For today, I’d planned on giving a list… Read More »

The FBI in Decline: an Update

By | September 29, 2020

[September 29, 2020]  A little over two years ago, I gave you some insight into the Federal Bureau of Investigation, where I worked for nearly 20 years.  My point?  The FBI was and is today in severe decline as measured by its internal politicization, particularly the hyper-partisanship activities of its senior officers.  I’m sad to report this to… Read More »

Enabling Bad Behavior

By | September 28, 2020

[September 28, 2020]  One of the better things about the military is that it gives opportunities to learn from good and bad leadership.  I’ve witnessed some deplorable decisions by leaders at all levels, one of which was by a two-star General.  His command headquarters was rife with insubordinate civilians who regularly disobeyed orders and failed to show up… Read More »