Vision: The Eagle has Landed

By | July 20, 2015

[July 20, 2015] With my family and next-door neighbors gathered around our new color television set, we watched and listened in awe as Walter Cronkite announced the landing of the space module Eagle, manned by astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, Jr. That Sunday afternoon, July 20, 1969, would be for me and hundreds of millions listening in,… Read More »

Good Habits #13: Be Conscientious and Timely

By | July 19, 2015

[July 19, 2015]  I’ve been very fortunate during my lifetime to have had many people around me that gave good advice and lucky for me I actually paid attention and followed their guidance … sometimes. Imagine if you will for just a moment an Army Drill Sergeant screaming in your face, “Private, you don’t do your job, you’re… Read More »

Disney’s Folly (or not?)

By | July 17, 2015

[July 17, 2015] During the Great Depression, a young man 30 years of age was flirting with the idea of creating a full-length movie with only cartoon characters. This had never been done before and was considered a risky financial endeavor. Many called it “Disney’s Folly” because it would surely fail. Instead, using new techniques and overcoming the… Read More »

Mariner 4 Spacecraft and Leadership

By | July 15, 2015

[July 15, 2015] The planet Mars has intrigued us since ancient times. It has brought fear and excitement, been a part of religion and science, and energized our imaginations. Some thought that Mars harbored strange beings that would conquer us and for others the prospect of alien life forms was electrifying. For many visionary leaders, Mars was something… Read More »

I Don’t Have Enough Time

By | July 13, 2015

[July 13, 2015] In 1985 a good friend of mine, a mechanized Infantry Lieutenant in the U.S. Army, was “relieved” of his duties as a Platoon Leader – fired in civilian speak – because he failed to refuel his armored personnel carrier (APC) vehicles. Each platoon had 10 APC vehicles and our standard procedure to was refuel daily,… Read More »

Council for a Strong America

By | July 12, 2015

[July 12, 2015] When we look at worthwhile organizations and their vital missions, one that rises to the top is Council for a Strong America. As readers of already know, I like to highlight non-profit and volunteer groups that help our military veterans and strengthen our country. Council for a Strong America (CSA) is about “working together… Read More »

City of Baltimore: Still Stuck on Stupid!

By | July 11, 2015

By guest blogger Sadako Red [see disclaimer] [July 11, 2015] Sitting at my desk here in Washington D.C., I get to see a lot. Politicians are the big game in town and what they do makes the headlines but it’s what’s behind the scenes that’s the real story. With the U.S. presidential campaign beginning and Donald Trump making… Read More »