Equality In The Workplace- How Good Leaders Can Make A Difference

By | September 18, 2020

[September 18, 2020]  Equality in the workplace is not just a legal responsibility for the employers but also a commitment to having a positive culture for the entire workforce. Essentially, it is about giving fair treatment to all your employees, regardless of their gender, race, nationality, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation. But fostering equality in your organization… Read More »

Movie: We Were Soldiers

By | September 5, 2020

[September 5, 2020] I don’t do movie reviews, but I do comment on them occasionally. My wife told me that doing a “war movie review” might be a good idea, and I should consider starting. Here is my first attempt. The movie I chose today for a review is We Were Soldiers (2002) starring Mel Gibson. The movie… Read More »

Senior Leader Commander Traits that Win

By | August 30, 2020

[August 30, 2020]  At the Battle of Cowpens, January 1781, American Revolutionary General Daniel Morgan fought the British and won.  After repeated losses to the British, American forces were demoralized, beaten, and poorly lead.  Morgan changed the way Americans fought, and for this, we can learn what traits it takes for a senior commander to win. What were… Read More »

Proper Paperwork is Most Important

By | August 22, 2020

[August 22, 2020]  The importance of proper paperwork cannot be overlooked.  Many years ago, as a staff officer, I wondered why the promotion rates for Administrative Army officers exceeded the rate of Infantry officers.  Infantry was the place of leaders, more likely to experience combat and to demonstrate one’s bonafides in the U.S. Army.  Why then did Admin… Read More »