Leader Trends: Are We Corrupt?

By | February 8, 2015

February 08, 2015] In 2013, I made a trip to the country of Columbia to visit some of their senior military officers, police, and political leaders. The ones I spoke with were very professional but each complained about how political and judicial corruption had enormous costs and was a terrible burden for the average citizen. One insightful policeman… Read More »

What Kills Leader Credibility?

By | February 7, 2015

[February 07, 2015] A good friend of mine and I were new Lieutenants together in our first unit. We’d been trained at the world-renowned U.S. Army Infantry School and had learned about leadership but, of course, had little practical experience. Our first unit assignment was to be a hard lesson on leader credibility and how leaders can easily… Read More »

Hero: Jorge Otero Barreto

By | February 6, 2015

[February 06, 2015] The war in Vietnam was a conflict that most Americans remember. Today I would like to honor U.S. Army Sergeant First Class Jorge Otero Barreto who has been called, “the most decorated soldier of the Vietnam War” having earned 38 decorations, including three Silver Star Medals. Barreto served five combat tours from 1961 to 1970… Read More »

Reading List (Update)

By | February 5, 2015

[February 05, 2015] The winter months bring more time for indoor activities and reading is something that naturally lends itself to the warm comfort of an overstuffed chair and crackling fireplace. I don’t have a fireplace but the comfy chair is mine and indispensible. Today I’ll be providing a short review on a longer-than-typical book on leadership –… Read More »

Core Values: Costco

By | February 3, 2015

[February 03, 2015] I was watching a televisions special on Costco the other night with my wife. She was captivated by Costco with their employees being so loyal and customers so happy. What is it that makes Costco so successful? Is it their business model or is it something else? Warehouse clubs that sell merchandise at low cost… Read More »

We Were Off-Line for a While

By | February 2, 2015

[February 02, 2015] It always seems to happen at a busy time or right after the big game. TheLeaderMaker.com was down for about 8 hours and just returned to normalcy a few minutes ago. My apologies for any inconveniences experienced. It looks like my website blog was somehow pushed into cyber no-man’s-land.  My wife says that it was… Read More »

Venezuela: Violence, Corruption, & Failed Leaders

By | February 1, 2015

[February 01, 2015] Socialism is a system of government that has repeatedly shown itself to be prone to failure unless very specific conditions exist that finance its ability to operate. Venezuela is such a socialist nation that relies heavily upon oil production to fund itself, rather than upon the hard work of its people and efficient, fair governance.… Read More »

Counterfeit Leaders: Check the Door!

By | January 31, 2015

[January 31, 2015] Most people who’ve worked for more than a few years have probably had the unfortunate experience of leaders who don’t really lead but display harmful leader traits. These traits will be destructive to individual workers and the organization as a whole. These are called counterfeit leaders and any organization with them had better check the… Read More »