Good Habits #8: Transparency

By | August 6, 2014

[August 06, 2014] The demands made on military commanders are awesome; yet little is provided in the way of guidance. Commanders that make rapid, sound decisions are highly valued and promoted quickly to higher levels of responsibility. The problem is that decisions made rapidly often encounter resistance in application. Regardless whether the decision is the best or not, how… Read More »

Characteristic# 70: Philanthropy

By | August 6, 2014

[August 06, 2014] “Giving back.” My grandmother told me many times that the trait that separated the most honorable people from the “average Joe” was the giving to those in need. Her philosophy was a religious one and something she believed in deeply. Senior leaders do more than give a few dollars to charitable organizations. The best of… Read More »

Characteristic# 69: Virtue

By | August 3, 2014

[August 03, 2014] The ancient Greeks considered “virtue” to be a positive trait that represented a morally good person. The trait was valued as the foundation of a moral being. As far as traits went, virtue was whatever was most valued. Senior leaders must possess virtue; else they will not be a great leader. There is some disagreement… Read More »

“The Coward Leader”

By | August 2, 2014

[August 02, 2014] A retired U.S. Marine officer writes that there are leaders who are cowards in the workplace. In this recent article, my first reaction was … yes! … leaders that are cowards on the battlefield have no place in the military. But this was not his intent with his article. “The Coward Leader” is about moral… Read More »

What is Wrong with these Kids?

By | August 1, 2014

[August 01, 2014] Someone recently complained that today’s children are intellectually and physically lazy. The complaint is probably said by the grandmothers of every generation that has come before us; grandmothers, of course, being very smart and strong. At a commencement speech last year, the speaker told the graduates, “you’re pampered, privileged, and oversexed …”1 “Young people” spend… Read More »