Characteristic# 71: Political Competence

By | August 27, 2014

[August 27, 2014] During the Korean War in 1951 U.S. President Harry Truman relieved General Douglas MacArthur of his command for making public statements that contradicted the administration’s policies. MacArthur did not have a full appreciation of what he could and could not control and who were his allies … he underestimated the President. Despite having great military… Read More »

Taking Care of People

By | August 26, 2014

[August 26, 2014] There is a tradition in the U.S. military; the commanding officer always eats last. I’m not sure where the tradition started or how it developed but it makes a lot of sense. By eating last, the officer knows whether all the troops have been properly feed – whether there is enough food and whether it… Read More »

Stop Soldier Suicide

By | August 26, 2014

[August 26, 2014] Occasionally I run across a great organization that uses its expertise to help both military personnel and veterans. Today, I would like to introduce Until recently, despite their wonderful work, I had not heard of them. Fortunately, there are people like those in this organization that really do help people. Stop Soldier Suicide is… Read More »

Reading List (Update)

By | August 25, 2014

[August 25, 2014] Being a leader means reading articles and books that can go against your upbringing and training; or challenging what you already think you know. The book reviewed today is about race and the failures of programs designed to help minorities in America, particularly African-Americans. It challenges our senior leaders to open a realistic dialogue and… Read More »

Sports Lesson: Little League Baseball

By | August 24, 2014

[August 24, 2014] It was apparently not very newsworthy but yesterday the USA Little League World Championship was played in its traditional location Williamsport, Pennsylvania. What is so amazing about the win is that for the first time a team from Chicago won the title and a team from the “Urban Initiative” out of the south-side of Chicago.1… Read More »

Leadership Skill: Encouraging Open Debate

By | August 23, 2014

[August 23, 2014] Significant risks to “modern” senior leaders are not having all the best ideas on the table while making decisions and communicating strategy. This includes having all the relevant information available and the thinking behind the best ideas. Both the information and thinking needed is best achieved through encouraging open debate. Successful organizations, lead by some… Read More »

Sports Lessons: What? A Rain Delay, No Way

By | August 22, 2014

[August 22, 2014] “Yuh gotta hand it to baseball and schmucks,” so says my good friend Vinny. I like to say that you simply cannot make this stuff up. While we watched the Chicago Cubs – San Francisco Giants game earlier this week, the umpires called the game for rain and declared the Cubs the winner at 2-0.… Read More »

Douglas R. Satterfield

Leadership Skill: It’s Not Personal

By | August 22, 2014

[August 22, 2014] Leaders who find themselves being emotionally drawn into certain situations risk being seen as biased, untrustworthy, fixated, and partisan. The best leaders treat their job as a professional. Senior leaders should be careful about taking things personal in their work. The message sent is that they can be swayed or manipulated by certain issues. Therefore,… Read More »