New Page Added

By | July 5, 2014

[July 05, 2014] Today I added a new page to test the feasibility of having a leadership news page. Right now, I’m calling it “Leadership Weekly”. My intent is to have a place people can go for major stories from the past week on leadership. Those selected stories will be simply linked to articles published elsewhere … but… Read More »

Hero: Louis Zamperini

By | July 5, 2014

[July 05, 2014] Sad word comes to us that two days ago World War II hero Louis Zamperini passed way at the age of 97. Some of us may have first heard of Zamperini when the book “Unbroken” came out in 2010. I read this book as soon as it hit the shelves and was amazed at the… Read More »

Independence Day Message: July 4th

By | July 4, 2014

[July 04, 2014] “Freedom is not free.” And it is not easy to protect and defend. Our armed forces have done this admirably since the beginning of the United States’ founding. Seeing other nations today in their struggles for independence, helps us appreciate how precious freedom is and how our nation earned, defended, and preserved it. The 13… Read More »

Civil Rights Act of 1964

By | July 3, 2014

[July 03, 2014] Yesterday, I missed a very important date. Fifty years ago, on July 2, 1964, President Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act.1 While the entire Act is important, Title VII Equal Employment Opportunity is the part most commonly cited and the core of the Act. The signing of the Act was conducted with much fanfare… Read More »

Courage: Amelia Earhart

By | July 2, 2014

[July 02, 2014] The world was shocked to hear that Amelia Earhart and her navigator Frederick Noonan were reported missing in the Pacific Ocean on this date in 1937. Earhart completed a number of aviation firsts, winning fame and money along the way in the 1920s and 30s. She was well liked and personally driven to audacity. Sadly,… Read More »

Entitlement: Detroit – an Update

By | July 2, 2014

[July 02, 2014] Yesterday, we discussed Detroit’s problem of an entitlement mentality with so many of its citizens (link here). It turns out that over half the population is delinquent on their water bills and is threatened with their water being turned off. A parallel between the privileged status of Detroiters and the failed socialist system was difficult… Read More »

Entitlement Mentality: Detroit – an Example

By | July 1, 2014

[July 01, 2014]  News comes to us over the past several weeks that large numbers of residents who do not pay their water bills are having their water service disconnected.  What is interesting, from a leadership perspective, is what folks are saying and doing about it.  A water department official said, “The majority of our customers (who) are in… Read More »