The Organizer of Victory!

[May 23, 2020]  Over the next few months, I will be dedicating space in my blog to discuss the leadership characteristics of George C. Marshall.  After George Washington, Marshall is considered the “most respected soldier in American history.”1  Yet, he never commanded troops in battle, the customary path to greatness for a military leader.  So what was it… Read More »

The Rats of Tobruk

[May 10, 2020]  In the late 1960s, my friend Wilson and I watched an adventure television episode of The Rat Patrol.  This television series loosely based on the actual World War II exploits of the allied Australian, New Zealander, and British defenders of Tobruk, Libya.  The Siege of Tobruk by German forces in 1941, commanded by Field Marshall… Read More »

How Senior Leaders Gain Respect (Part 2)

[May 9, 2020]  Yesterday, I published Part 1 of this series on how senior leaders gain respect.  It bears repeating, “It is not possible to force people to respect you.”  Everyone seems to recognize that respect helps smooth the way toward getting the mission accomplished.  Thus, the desire for respect will come as no surprise. “How do leaders… Read More »

Socializing a New Idea

By | April 29, 2020

[April 29, 2020]  Senior leaders are experienced in resolving vague, uncertain, complex problems. Solving such issues will inevitably get supported or disagreement on its effectiveness, reliability, and appropriateness.  When problems are highly complex, and there is time available, one way to overcome resistance is by socializing the new idea. One of the most significant decisions in the Iraq… Read More »

Good Leaders Value Criticisms from Subordinates

By | April 27, 2020

[April 27, 2020]  I’ve been around performance reviews long enough to understand they have value.  Written by someone who outranks the person rated, the evaluation has both good and bad points.  But, some evaluations are truly valuable.  Those criticisms from subordinates will frequently contain the starkest surprises and bluntness. As such, feedback from subordinates can knock a leader… Read More »

Hero:  Desmond Doss

By | April 16, 2020

[April 16, 2020]  It has been simply too long since I wrote an article about a hero.  It goes without saying that we still need heroes, especially in our modern world.  We need heroes precisely because they define the limits of our ideals, hopes. and dreams.  That is precisely what U.S. Army Private Desmond Doss has done for… Read More »