Battle of Monte Cassino: May 18, 1944

By | May 18, 2014

[May 18, 2014] Seventy years ago today, the final battle for Monte Cassion (Italy) was won by the Allies, by driving German and Italian defenders out of this critical junction and opening the door to Rome and attacking the “underbelly” of Hitler’s empire. The strategic value of the Italian campaign leading to this important series of battles is… Read More »

Core Values: USO

By | May 18, 2014

[May 18, 2014] Before I deployed to combat, I never really gave much thought about the USO. Sure, I saw old newsreels of Bob Hope, Betty Hutton, and many other famous entertainers doing shows for the troops from World War 2 to Vietnam, but I never really understood or appreciated their real value. The United Service Organizations Inc.… Read More »

Off Topic: Life Magazine WWII Photographs

By | May 17, 2014

[May 17, 2014] Some great colored photographs from Life Magazine showing England and France from May through August 1944 (link here). The Allied invasion took place on June 6, 1944 so we gain a little perspective from them … before and after D-Day. Thanks to reader Cliff for recommending this to me. I’ll pick up a copy in… Read More »

Characteristic #60: Creating Partnerships

By | May 17, 2014

[May 17, 2014] Senior Executive Leaders cultivate close professional partnerships and often succeed or fail based on their quality and power. Business leaders and other senior leaders in large organizations are more apt to formalize these relationships either contractually or in some agreement in principle. Regardless of formalization, senior leaders who create partnerships are more successful. Partnerships1 serve… Read More »

Race: Leadership and the Lack of Leadership

By | May 16, 2014

By guest blogger Sadako Red [see disclaimer] [May 16, 2014] My goal as a senior leader, is to give the reader my thoughts on race and leadership in America and above all where I think we’re headed, perhaps good and perhaps bad. For I am an optimistic leader, the one who thinks the glass is half-full rather than… Read More »

Political Investigation of Leaders (Update)

By | May 15, 2014

[May 15, 2014] I received a number of comments via email that expressed support for my observation that “investigations” are being used as a political tool to target leaders who are aggressive and controversial. Not that those leaders are conducting themselves unethically, illegally, or immorally (see link here), which is often the opposite of the truth. Apparently these… Read More »

Reading List (Update)

By | May 14, 2014

[May 14, 2014] Only one book on my recommended reading list today but one that I received as a gift and am eternally grateful to my son who gave it to me for this past Christmas. Just turning the pages to see the grand works is a pleasure in itself. Both artistically and historically, this book is exceptional.… Read More »