A Dozen Quotes on Leadership

By | May 13, 2014

[May 13, 2014] My son asked me the other day to give him a list of a few leadership quotes that were practical for him to use as he starts his career – something that “helps people think about leadership in everyday life.” Please connect any time to see more at www.theleadermaker.com. The easy part was getting the… Read More »

North Korea – a Successful U.S. Strategy

By | May 13, 2014

[May 13, 2014] North Korea is a socialist country that is impressive in its ability to remain a viable nation for so long, despite its self-inflicted problems. Recently, the senior leadership of the country insulted just about everyone outside the socialist dictatorship run by Kim Jong Un and his military. See my comments here and here for a… Read More »

Off Topic: American Pickers

By | May 12, 2014

[May 12, 2014] While I do not watch much television, especially reality shows, I do watch occasionally one called the American Pickers. The show is about buyers (“pickers”) who travel the country picking old items for sale in their store, for clients, or in some cases for the personal collections. When my wife and I began watching the… Read More »

Knowing When to Admit Defeat

By | May 12, 2014

[May 12, 2014] Surprisingly, one of the secrets to being a successful leader means sometimes being willing to accept defeat … if the time and conditions are right for it. The best leaders know that there are circumstances when being right is not the most practicable strategy. How can it be, one may ask, that leaders intentionally give… Read More »

Profile: Napoléon Bonaparte

By | May 11, 2014

[May 11, 2014] Probably more than any other leader, Napoléon Bonaparte is the worldwide cultural icon symbolizing military genius and political power. His military and political achievements are studied for their audacity and brilliance. So, what was it that set Napoléon apart from other senior leaders? That question is the main reason why I chose to profile him… Read More »

Happy Mother’s Day

By | May 11, 2014

[May 11, 2013] Happy Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day is about the celebration honoring mothers, motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers on our society. The first officially recognized Mother’s Day began when Anna Jarvis had a memorial for her mother. She began what would successfully become a federally recognized day when in 1914 President Wilson signed a… Read More »

The Joining of a Nation

By | May 10, 2014

[May 10, 2014] On this date in 1869, the nation was joined symbolically and literally by connecting the first Transcontinental Railroad across the United States. A ceremonial “golden spike” was driven to join the rails at Promontory Summit, Utah Territory. The vision of financier David Hewes1 is credited for the idea. The “joining of a nation” is an… Read More »

Characteristics #59: The Optimism of Will in Others

By | May 10, 2014

[May 10, 2014] It never seems to amaze me that some people can energize and harness an optimistic attitude in others. I admire those greatest of individuals and envy their endless ability to make others feel like someone special. Only the greatest of leaders can do this with groups of people, while concurrently keeping their organization afloat. This… Read More »

Mental Resilience and Leadership (Part 5)

[May 09, 2014] I have proposed the idea here that people in our modern world are experiencing less stress overall today in their lives, especially when compared to our parents, grandparents, and all those before us. Furthermore, we are less mentally resilience because of it. One not so surprising result is that people are less tolerant of others.… Read More »