Mohawk Indians: Iron and Bravery

By | April 11, 2014

[April 11, 2014]  They were known as the Brooklyn Mohawks and they were famous as “fearless high-rise construction workers.”  As iron workers and riveters, they helped make the New York City skyline in the early 20th Century.  As senior leaders know, leadership employs bravery (moral or physical courage).  The Iroquois Nation’s culture1 with a “warrior ethic” was a… Read More »

The IRS and Leadership (Update)

By | April 10, 2014

[April 10, 2014]  Today we are being told that former IRS official Ms Lois Lerner was held in contempt of Congress for refusing to answer questions about the targeting of “conservative groups” by the IRS1.  Interestingly, we are starting to see more political leaders coming forth asking the IRS to be transparent about what happened.  I argued a… Read More »

Move Out, Don’t Wait to Be Told

By | April 10, 2014

[April 10, 2014]  As my readers know, I spend a significant amount of my time in airports and on planes traveling.  There are plenty of times where I am witness to airport workers and flight attendants not serving their customers.  This happens all too frequently. Too often, I have watched leaders (and managers) stand by and allow a situation… Read More »

Reading List (Update)

By | April 9, 2014

[April 09, 2014]  Two really good books for our readers.  It is no surprise that I’m still catching up on my reading after a couple of months with a heavy overseas travel schedule.  These books are excellent reads any time.  The first by Dale Carnegie is an oldie but goodie – it’s the type you can pick up… Read More »

Federal School Lunch Program Failure

By | April 9, 2014

[April 09, 2014]  The federal government’s new public school lunch program announced in 2012 and quickly implemented in the past school year has developed a number of problems.  This happens when large bureaucratic programs are enacted without the groundwork and right leadership in place to ensure success. Some of the “healthier” foods, the students would not eat.  Many… Read More »

Univ. of Connecticut Basketball Champions

By | April 8, 2014

[April 08, 2014]  Congratulations to the University of Connecticut basketball team for their 2014 National Championship win last night.  No one expected them to be a winner this season after their NCAA suspension last year, some team members leaving, and several poor games; but they did win.  And they won big. Listening to what the players had to… Read More »

22 Executive Leader Characteristics

By | April 7, 2014

[April 07, 2014]  Just recently compiled a year’s worth of key writing points on Senior Executive Leadership into a single presentation.  These traits assembled here are those I consider the top 22 characteristics of the most successful senior leaders. I will be posting it here on theLeaderMaker blog before I go public with it. The presentation is downloadable… Read More »

Profile: Joseph Stalin

By | April 7, 2014

[April 07, 2014]  Leadership comes in many forms and leadership can stand for either good or evil.  Generally, senior executive leaders profiled here have benefited or helped millions of people.  This is what we normally think about when we think of leadership.  Joseph Stalin (1879-1953), leader of the Soviet Union, can be described as one of the most… Read More »

Gold Star Wives and Leadership

By | April 6, 2014

[April 06, 2014]  On April 5th, we paid respect to the Gold Star Wives of America 69th anniversary of the founding of their organization.  Its goal is to provide support for the spouses and children of those in the Armed Forces who lost their lives.  This organization has outstanding leaders who should be commended on their great works.… Read More »