Showing Moral Courage: Nick Sandmann

By | March 13, 2019

[March 13, 2018] Showing moral courage in the face of great adversity is a much more difficult act than showing physical courage in combat. Many combat leaders are known for their bravery in the face of a deadly enemy but wilt when their nerves fail under the spotlight that threatens what they believe. Today, I’m highlighting Nick Sandmann… Read More »

Showing Moral Courage: Tulsi Gabbard

By | January 17, 2019

[January 17, 2019]  Last week, Hawaii Democrat Representative Tulsi Gabbard, penned an op-ed in which she warned: “Elected leaders who weaponize religion are playing a dangerous game.”1  She is showing moral courage because her statements run counter to the anti-religious ideology of the American Democrat Party. “While I absolutely believe in the separation of church and state as… Read More »

5 Ways to Encourage Employees to Stay on the Right Track

By | June 30, 2018

By guest blogger Cloe Matheson  [June 30, 2018]  Every business leader knows the challenge of keeping employees motivated at work. No single strategy is guaranteed to be immediately successful – each employee is inspired by different factors, so implementing company-wide motivation usually requires a combination of approaches. Here are 5 practices that can help your employees stay on… Read More »

Showing Moral Courage: Cardinal Joseph Zen

By | February 12, 2018

[February 12, 2018]  It has been said that the world’s intellectual elites have been attacking Christianity generally and Roman Catholicism specifically for at least a century.  Communist nations led this effort but there is one person who stands up against the state’s efforts and that man is Cardinal Joseph Zen.  Cardinal Zen is well known for his outspokenness on… Read More »