Guest Authors

By | December 28, 2019

Below are a composition of the Guest Bloggers that have contributed to  Please visit them and wish them well. Sadako Red Disclaimer: I chose the pen name Sadako Red in order to remove any notoriety reflecting on my other real job as a very senior executive in the Department of Defense. My opinion is my opinion only… Read More »

When Baptized in Battle

By | December 8, 2019

[December 8, 2019]  One dominant theme in the study of leadership is to prove oneself worthy of holding the mantle of responsibility.  A successful leader is one who has built a reputation for accountability, trustworthiness, and sound judgment.1  How one does this is subject to debate.  But when a leader is tested in the crucible of fire, there… Read More »

A Thanksgiving Day Message

By | November 28, 2019

[November 28, 2019]  On occasion, I provide a special message for our troops, especially for those deployed overseas and in harm’s way.  Two days ago I attended an early-morning Prayer Breakfast in the small town where I live.  Those in attendance had one message – be united – and in doing so we will be the guiding light… Read More »