Fear, there Ain’t Enough of It

By | November 17, 2019

By guest blogger Sadako Red [see disclaimer] [November 17, 2019]  Just when I was beginning to think I understood people …  Last month, I gave a guest lecture on “The motivations of America’s Founding Father Samuel Adams;” not that it matters much, but I’m considered an expert in early-American politics.  I gave my speech at Georgetown University here… Read More »

The Warrior Mindset

By | November 14, 2019

[November 14, 2019]  Since the beginning of human existence, people have been trying to figure out what makes us mentally tough and prepared to meet the toughest challenges.  The world sends us the unexpected and she will test our good judgment, wisdom and readiness.  A warrior mindset is essential to maximize performance and ensure victory, especially when the… Read More »

10 Valuable Tips for Introverted Leaders

By | November 9, 2019

[November 9, 2019]  It’s time to debunk the stereotype that introverts aren’t natural leaders. A collaborative study by researchers from Harvard, Stanford, and the University of Chicago has shown that introverted CEOs are even more effective than extroverted ones. Ready for that big chair? Here is how to harness your introversion and help your team reach its fullest… Read More »

Profile: Lord Haw-Haw

By | November 2, 2019

[November 2, 2019]  Any movie about fighting the Imperial Japanese Army will also include a piece on Tokyo Rose, the infamous propaganda radio program aimed at U.S. troops during World War II.  The British citizenry listened to a Nazi radio program run by William Joyce, better known as Lord Haw-Haw. Joyce was a notorious broadcaster of Nazi propaganda… Read More »

What Happens When you Lack Character?

By | October 31, 2019

[October 31, 2019]  A few days ago, the owners of Lloyd Taco Trucks in Buffalo, New York, apologized for serving food outside a federal detention center run by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).  Commercial businesses, small businesses in particular, often do not involve themselves in controversial political debates; else they alienate potential customers.  We can learn from… Read More »