Importance of leadership and management skills for growth of businesses

By | August 24, 2019

[August 24, 2019]  The managers in any organisation are responsible for implementing and forwarding the vision and mission of the company. Hence, managers with excellent leadership and management skills are critical to achieving the business goals of the organisation. Companies around the world realise the importance of leadership and management courses. Experienced managers and individuals aiming to pursue… Read More »

Profile: H. Ross Perot

By | July 25, 2019

[July 25, 2019] Great leaders don’t suddenly arrive on the world’s stage; they work hard to get there. So it was with H. Ross Perot, a complex man of many talents, but because of his daring, I am highlighting him today as one of those special people we should all consider emulating. A hero in many aspects, Perot… Read More »

Don’t Learn Bad Habits

By | July 20, 2019

[July 20, 2019] New and young leaders are often placed in a position where bad habits are easily learned and encouraged. As regular readers of my leadership blog know, I’ve been at Scout Camp for the past week where most of the scout counselors are not yet 18 years old. One challenge adult scout leaders were facing was… Read More »