Why are Good Leaders avoiding American Colleges?

By | December 9, 2018

[December 9, 2018]  There will always be unintended consequences in what we do; even in the most righteous and just behaviors.  American colleges and universities have taken great strides over the past few decades to be welcoming and committed to justice for all.  Yet, in their zeal to correct wrongs, they themselves have deviated from their traditional mission… Read More »

Real Leaders create Goodwill

By | November 26, 2018

[November 26, 2018]  With the upcoming holiday season and the time of giving, I thought it appropriate to once again address the topic that real leaders create goodwill.  They create it year round.  The benefits are well known and it typically takes little effort to make it happen. The benefits for a leader are straightforward.  Goodwill encourages loyalty,… Read More »

Slackers, Cowards, and Dummies

By | November 20, 2018

[November 20, 2018]  I was laughing, the kind of laugh we rarely have, while my good friend Frank was telling me about the people where he worked.  You see, Frank is a “character” himself and to hear his stories about acquaintances at work was really entertaining. You see, Frank calls those who he works with, “slackers, cowards, and… Read More »

Chateau Generals

By | November 15, 2018

[November 15, 2018]  Much is to be learned from war whether we want to admit it or not.  Now that we are at the 100th anniversary of the end of the “Great War,” most citizens remain reluctant to revisit the horror so that we may learn valuable lessons.  One lesson is that great leaders do not lead from… Read More »