Leader Trends: Are we pushing Hate & Envy?

By | October 7, 2018

[October 7, 2018]  In my long-running series on leader trends, I’ve tried to lay out what I see as troubling patterns in leadership.  It’s usually something that has happened that sparks my interest and that is what motivated me today.  The recent U.S. Supreme Court confirmation process has convinced me that our national leaders are actually pushing hate… Read More »

When Leaders Lying to you is Okay

By | October 6, 2018

[October 6, 2018]  Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn once wrote that anyone who uses violence as a method to suppress people must then “inexorably choose lying as his principle.”    After many years in Soviet-communist labor camps and prisons, he knows of what he speaks.  He would tell us that leaders lying to you is not okay. The idea that lies from… Read More »

On Being a Fake and a Coward: by Army Vet

By | September 30, 2018

[September 30, 2018]  Army Vet gets mixed up in politics today as he calls out the character of Democratic U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut for being a fake Vietnam Veteran and a coward. A politician is to lying what Wisconsin is to cheese?  Some people lie more than others but there is nothing more gut-wrenching and disgusting… Read More »

3 Negotiation Techniques Every Skillful Leader Should Know

By | September 23, 2018

By guest blogger Lilou Hoffman [September 23, 2018]  Negotiating skills are both a science and an art. It’s rather like bridging a gap between individuals by finding mutual interests and values. The skilled negotiator helps to find a constructive way to proceed that most individuals couldn’t have found alone. The following three negotiation skills are vital for every… Read More »