Cultivating a Drug-Free Workplace

By | June 16, 2018

By guest blogger Dale Vernor [See Biography] [June 16, 2018]  Being unemployed is a common assumption most people have when it comes to the topic of drug or alcohol abusers, however, authorities on the topic show something much more different. According to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, 70 percent of all illegal drug users are… Read More »

How To Be A Successful Online Student

By | June 9, 2018

By guest blogger Katherine Brown [See Biography]  [June 9, 2018]  Online classes may be the greatest thing the internet has given us right after memes, challenges, and cat videos. While online courses may be different from physical classes in many regards, there is one significant similarity between the two – the all-encompassing procrastination and the risk of failing… Read More »

When Opportunity Knocks … get moving!

[May 25, 2018]  It wasn’t that long ago that opportunities for young adults in employment, education, and service to one’s country were available to all; no longer.  Today, that means that when opportunity knocks … get moving through that door and take advantage of it. “When opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” – Milton Berle, American comedian and… Read More »

Leaders Don’t Panic

[May 11, 2018]  On a quiet night where little enemy activity had been a pleasant break from the incessant mortar and rocket attacks on our small outpost, one lone rocket hit our unit’s ammunition storage bunker.  Things went haywire after that.  But leaders don’t panic and we were able to contain the fire and explosions rather quickly. Real… Read More »