The Myth of the Rubble Women

[May 19, 2023]  Great stories never die.  And neither do great myths; some of those heroes’ stories are popularized but false.  In the mid-1970s, I was stationed in West Germany and heard from many of their citizens how rubble women were the mainstay of rebuilding a destroyed Germany.  New evidence from Germany itself contradicts much of this myth.… Read More »

The Good Idea Fairy

[May 18, 2023]  As I put pen to paper (yes, the old-fashioned way), Memorial Day is only a few days away.  I’m lucky to have served some incredible folks during my time during my military time, in peace and war, and under some extreme circumstances.  This means taking the good with the bad, learning that the human way… Read More »

Do We Treat People Fairly?

[May 17, 2023]  The answer to the question is “no,” we don’t treat people fairly, we have never treated everyone fairly, and never will for many reasons.  One reason is a lack of fairness based in the law.  For example, Asian Americans are widely and openly discriminated against at Ivy League universities for admission.  This contradicts the basic… Read More »

Leader Traits that Destroy Trust

[May 15, 2023]  Being a leader means remembering that you are there for a reason, and the reason is not about having everything your way.  Several of my readers asked that I compile a list of traits that destroy trust.  Below is a list of some of these traits, each commonly encountered in poor leaders. Controlling: a greater… Read More »

How to Make 100 Cows Happy

[May 13, 2023]  On the lighter side of life, today I will deviate from my typical article and hit on Tom Pemberton Farm Life.  Tom is a UK farmer with a good sense of what a cow wants and knows how to make 100 of his cows happy. Humor, much like art, is to be searched out.  Often,… Read More »