Political Leadership: Dave Rubin

By | August 12, 2018

[August 12, 2018]  More and more, I see that people aren’t looking for an ideology to help them live by, they are looking for ideas.  And that is exactly what Dave Rubin is giving us by providing clarity about free speech, politics, the mass media, religion, and political correctness.  His popularity is increasing while he does this.

“At the same time, while we’ve opened up a lane for honest conversation, plenty of people just want to push more and more hatred, dishonesty and division. It’s clear to me that they are running out of steam so will only get more desperate as they slide into irrelevancy.” – Dave RubinVerified account@RubinReport Jul 31 (2018)

 Dave Rubin is the host of the Rubin Report, a political talk show and podcast.  He rejects the tenets of political correctness when, according to his many followers, thus allowing for civil discussion across the entire political spectrum.  Transparent debates (where name-calling, shout-downs, and violence are rejected) are something many are seeking.  Most folks want to make reasonable judgments based on the merit of ideas.

Rubin describes himself as a “classical liberal.”  Nevertheless, he is critical of the progressive movement and said he considers being politically progressive to be a “mental disorder.”  Some would refer to him as politically conservative but I think that description fails to capture Rubin’s thinking and glosses over his thinking.

Using well-seasoned and thoughtful arguments, he is able to convince many that his position that debate is good does indeed work.  Rubin expects and gets hosts that are passionate about their positions but also respectfully engage with him and each other.  His show has grown “exponentially” and he considers it his duty to enlighten people using this approach.

Socialists don’t like him.  That should tell you a lot about what he does.


⦁ Victor Davis Hanson – https://www.theleadermaker.com/political-leadership-victor-davis-hanson/

⦁ Heather MacDonald – https://www.theleadermaker.com/political-leadership-heather-macdonald/

⦁ Dinesh D’Sousa – https://www.theleadermaker.com/political-leadership-dinesh-dsousa/
⦁ Thomas Sowell – https://www.theleadermaker.com/political-leadership-thomas-sowell/
⦁ Charles Krauthammer – https://www.theleadermaker.com/political-leadership-charles-krauthammer/
⦁ David Horowitz – https://www.theleadermaker.com/political-leadership-david-horowitz/
⦁ Maajid Nawaz – https://www.theleadermaker.com/political-leadership-maajid-nawaz/
⦁ Ralph Peters – https://www.theleadermaker.com/political-leadership-ralph-peters/

Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

22 thoughts on “Political Leadership: Dave Rubin

  1. Dale Paul Fox

    A very good short summary of Dave Rubin’s side of political thinking. I’m glad you included him in this distinguished group of men and woman who have been dedicated to making our lives better.

  2. Jonnie the Bart

    Mark Levin or Rush Limbaugh are two that I would like to see. Despite both being very politically conservative, they actually have some great ideas.

    1. Jerome Smith

      She’s a fabulous spokeswoman for those with common sense. I love listening to her talk.

    2. Darryl Sitterly

      Albert, the clip was hilarious! All I can say is “go Dana Loesch!”

  3. Wesley Brown

    Mr. Dave Rubin is a witty, smart guy. I listen to his podcasts occasionally and they are always both entertaining and informative. I highly recommend him to everyone I meet.

  4. Joe Omerrod

    I’m already a fan of Dave Rubin so thanks for giving us the push to hear his debates and read his tweets.

    1. Douglas R. Satterfield Post author

      No “push” needed. I have found the readers to my blog to be intelligent but most importantly they have the drive to study and practice leadership whenever possible.

  5. Gil Johnson

    Great series. I enjoy each one. Please continue them along with your profiles of great leaders. Like you’ve written in the past, learning from others (good and bad) is the easiest way to pickup on leadership tips.

    1. Bill Sanders, Jr.

      Yes, I agree. The series is really building into a very worthy group. Unfortunately, Charles Krauthammer pasted away so there will be no new writings from him. He was, however, very prolific so it will be good for us to go back and read his stuff. You can also find some of him on video like on YouTube.

    2. Georgie M.

      Thanks Gil. I agree with you that the series should continue.

  6. Eddie Ray Anderson,

    Your series on political leadership is a good one so please continue it. I’m starting to get better at my thinking because I hear and read about others who make good sense.

  7. Doug Smith

    Thanks Gen. Satterfield for putting us on to Dave Rubin. I’m starting to listen to some of his debates and find them very good.

  8. Wilson Cox

    You can find Dave Rubin on YouTube (which censors conservatives) and iTunes and other locations but go there today and listen to some of this stuff. He is always debating ideas with someone else who disagrees with him. Loving it. Gives me some great ideas. Oh, and this is all done in a civil manner.

  9. Nick Lighthouse

    Ha! Another up and coming person who does not mind getting his hands dirty and calling out the crazies. Dave Rubin is a great guy you should listen to.


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