Pope Francis Speaks on Abortion 

By | December 18, 2024

[December 18, 2024] Each year in December, usually close to Christmas, Pope Francis gives moral guidance on those things he believes are most important for all Roman Catholics and others. A recurring theme is his stance against abortion, which he calls “ending a young life.”

It is easy to point out the mistakes of senior leaders like Pope Francis because of their visibility. With a multitude of mass media outlets, the venues to read or see the spoken and written words of world leaders are easily available. However, I believe it is also difficult to find good commentary from those very same leaders. That’s why I appreciate and agree with him on abortion.

Pope Francis is one leader who provides us with an excellent example of how a leader should act.  In strong Christmas messages, Pope Francis uses his traditional address, for example, to emphasize the predicament that children face in regions of war. He points out their “impotent silence” and our “complicit silence.” Strong words!

He is unequivocal in his communications to us about how children are taken advantage of in our world. He speaks to all Roman Catholics but all of us should listen closely to his message of love and how faith can heal.

Pope Francis also denounced abortion and talked about “infants killed in the womb, deprived of that generous love of their parents and then buried in the egoism of a culture that does not love life.” This has been one of his most common themes … life and love.

I think he has done an outstanding service for all humankind when he speaks on abortion. Many reject his pleas for the unborn because his message is based on the word of Christ, the son of God. Yet he transcends religion and appeals to us also on humanitarian grounds.

His message is more complex, of course. I want to show that, despite his many critics who call him a “liberal pope,” he has a message we should listen to and follow. This is a great man talking to all of us. It is worth listening to him regardless of your religion, politics, or language.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

16 thoughts on “Pope Francis Speaks on Abortion 

  1. lydia

    We all know that abortion is bad but there are those folks, mostly young women with narcissistic tendencies to believe anything the media tells them. Abortion is healthcare is one of the lies they sucked up quick because it helps them again reject responsibility.

  2. Otto Z. Zuckermann

    “ I firmly believe that the greatest civil rights issue of the 21st Century is protecting unborn children from death. There is no greater noble cause than to stand with the innocent. There is no excuse not to. My view in a post-modern world is wildly unpopular, and I openly admit it. Many see my stance to protect the unborn as sexist and bigoted, uniformed and preachy, and proof of my moral inferiority.” – Gen. Doug Satterfield. Thank you, sir!!!

  3. mainer

    Sir, I’m not so sure any more whether he is against abortion. His Leftist leanings would suggest otherwise. Let’s see how he addresses it this year.

    1. Jonnie the Bart

      We need him because he is out front everyday pushing the abolitionist message. But we need a great national leader in politics pushing for abolishing abortion. Start small to say this is a barbaric act and should be made illegal by law but also, and much more importantly, we need to have it in our culture that abortion is bad.

      1. Georgie M.

        Jonnie, I think you’re right that the only sustainable solution is when abortion is rejected culturally. But as long as we have prominent politicians, mostly female like K. Harris and H. Clinton, who are cheerleading for abortion is part of healthcare, we aren’t going to move forward as a nation because we are a culture of death.

      2. Mike Baker

        Great comments today. Be like Gen. Doug Satterfield and stand with the innocents, the unborn, to protect them.

  4. Jack of Spades ♠️

    “ Abortion is obviously wrong. I don’t believe any sane person would recommend someone they dearly love have an abortion. I don’t think we would give our little sister an abortion as a gift. There is little debate on that front.” — Gen. Satterfield. Sir, you wrote these words two years ago. I wonder if this is true after we say Kamala Harris supporters “celebrating” and “cheering” for abortion and flouting their past abortions. I guess that our medical community has made elective abortion relatively safe, that this is the case of young women Liberal/Progressives celebrating abortion. This is just an example of barbarism and yet they see themselves as enlightened. Crazy.

  5. Albert Ayer

    🙏 I hope this message by Pope Francis is well received worldwide. 🙏

    1. corralesdon

      Nothing like hope. Lets us pray that this barbaric and death culture ceases.

  6. Pastor Jim 🙏

    Pope Francis does sometimes frustrate by sticking his nose into International affairs where he has no clue what is going on. For example, he believes there should be a two-state solution to the Palestinian problem. But they themselves have rejected that solution and have the goal of killing every Jew. But he fails to acknowledge this huge sin.

    1. Nick Lighthouse

      Right, maybe stick to those things where he can have the greatest impact on the world. Like abortion. He is eight here but puts little emphasis on this repulsive, evil practice. I think he doesn’t push it because he wants the church to be more “modern.” He knows this issue drives away many young women, in particular. I hope he comes around to give better reasoning on why abortion is evil, other than just saying it is evil and bad. Why? He should answer that question, not try to be a “modern” Pope. My thinking anyway as a Roman Catholic.


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