President Joe Biden Disappeared for 6 Days

By | July 24, 2024

[July 24, 2024]  President Joe Biden disappeared from the public eye seen since last Thursday where he announced that he was terminating his run for a second term.  He just showed up yesterday.  Is that a problem?  Yes!

The tradition of practical and moral governance requires active leader participation in all the important affairs of their citizenry.  Americans want to be assured their leaders care about them and those same leaders are openly, actively, and visibly involved in protecting their interests.  There is no better way than to directly engage them publicly.

A good leader is seen and heard daily, especially in troubled times.  America is navigating troubled times (conflict-ridden pending elections, a divided nation, multiple ongoing wars, high inflation, and crime) and our leaders must be seen.  Every politician knows this: it’s in their DNA to engage as many citizens as possible, as often as possible.  No wonder we see them at any special event.

Joe Biden is our president whether we love him or hate him.  He is given tremendous authority over all our lives, and his actions affect us significantly.  Our Republican government is designed around this principle and works exceptionally well.

For example, President Biden should publicly comment on Monday’s Congressional testimony by Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle on her agency’s recent failure to protect Donald Trump.  Her testimony did not go well.  She subsequently resigned.  Biden just issued a goodbye and best wishes letter to her.  Did he write this letter?  We don’t know.

“We live in a time in which conspiracy theories are flourishing, in part because so many ‘conspiracy theories’ have turned out to be true. If the Democrats have any sense at all, and if in fact Joe Biden is still alive–this is one conspiracy theory I don’t buy–they should trot him out, however painful that may be, and at least demonstrate that he knows he has withdrawn from the campaign.” – John Hinderaker, PowerLineBlog

Joe Biden needs to assure us he is okay, in charge, and knows what is going on.  He knows he must do so.  His White House staffers know it.  His political party knows it. And they all know we know it.  Yet, we only hear crickets.

Joe Biden is not well.  He is senile and likely incapable of carrying out his presidential duties.  He has Covid, or at least that is what we are told.  There are no updates on his illness or the effects his senility has on his work.  Why doesn’t he address these troubling issues and other matters of great importance?

Why did President Joe Biden disappear for six days?  We want to hear from you, Joe!  Is Jill Biden now in charge?  Americans deserve an answer.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

18 thoughts on “President Joe Biden Disappeared for 6 Days

  1. Army Captain

    Disappear for six days. And no word from the White House? What’s up with that? Did Joe Biden have a stroke? Did he pass away (I know he didn’t)? What is going on that there was a veil of silence? If these questions are being asked, then we have a man with zero leadership ability and so, Joe Biden, needs to resign and resign immediately to make room for somebody who is wiling and capable to do the job.

    1. Navy Vet

      Got to agree with you Army Captain. For those of us with military experience that is obvious.

  2. Eddie Gilliam

    Compassion. Jesus says consider yourself least ye fall.

  3. Tom Bushmaster

    Excellent article, Gen. Satterfield. Next …. “Where is Kamala Harris?” Or should I say, “Where is the Democrat Party?” They are sooooo “Our Democracy” that maybe they forgot the basic tenets of democracy to be front and present and public and not be working ‘behind the scenes’ to select the next president without input from us, the citizens.

    1. Lynn Pitts

      Hi Tom. They are only all about ‘democracy’ when it suits them. Just like Stalin.

  4. The Kid

    Folks, remember this article from Gen. Satterfield last year? “Being There: an essential Leadership Principle” … “Leaders are always busy people. Yet when the need arises, a leader that takes time to go to where the action is happening will help bring success. Whether planned or not, leaders must be there, especially bringing people together that would not normally occur and creating the dynamics of a holistic team effort. In the U.S. Army, we call this “one team, one fight.”” – Gen. Doug Satterfield says it right.
    As a side note, Peter Sellers is one of my favorite comedians.

    1. Mike Baker

      OWWW …. good points. This is not what good leaders do and I believe that is what Gen. Satterfield is saying here.

  5. KRause

    When we need Joe Biden to lead, he takes a 6 day vacation at his home in Delaware. Or at least that is where they said he was. And we heard ZERO. What’ s up with that. He only returned late yesterday after dropping out of the race. Wow. Crazy. Shows a total lack of leadership.

  6. rjsmithers

    Hi all, I just wanted to make a note here that last month I got a copy of Gen. Satterfield’s latest book “55 Rules for a Good Life” and found it AMAZIN’. If you haven’t got that book yet and read it, and then given it to a young man or women, then do so today. The book is like a flashback to the “rules” that make us good people and I will tell you that those rules are not all easy to follow. But that is why Christians say that the path to the kingdom of God is a difficult path and that to invite the Devil into your life is easy but will lead you to ruin. Get yourself a copy. Please Please Please for your sake and for the sake of your family. Here is the link. Go there and get yourself the book. You will not regret the decision and then leave a comment once you read the book.

    1. DaveV

      rj, yep. I am one of those who have the book and found it very very useful. I will also note that it is a good idea to give away copies to teenagers and ask them to read it. They need the help Gen. S’s book gives them. Thanks rj. 📚

  7. Ted

    DOCKTOR Jill Biden has been running the country these last few years anyway. And now we have their son Hunter Biden as one of the top advisers. What could possibly go wrong.

    1. Reyes

      President Joe Biden has handlers that might have not told him that he no longer is campaigning against Trump. He hates Trump because Trump represents truth, family, and country, while Joe Biden is the old style corrupt politician who gives millions to his family from foreign countries currying favor. And Trump exposes those corruption in Joe. Joe go home and don’t come back.

    2. Boy Sue

      Good one, Vanguard. 👍👍👍👍👍 Now, let Gen. Satterfield give us more comment on VP Kamala Harris, a lightweight. And I cannot wait for Donald Trump to debate her. And she knows that he will wipe the floor with her (figurately of course).

      1. JT Patterson

        Yes, I can’t wait. I bought enough popcorn to watch the Democrat Party implode as is long overdue.

        1. Wellington McBeth👀

          CRAZY IGNORANT NARCISSIST NASTY that is Joe Biden.


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