Pro-Hamas Protests Celebrate Massacre

By | October 7, 2024

[October 7, 2024]  Today is a solemn day, a day when we remember the massacre on Israeli soil by Hamas terrorists, and that is the reason why Hamas exists.  We must condemn the heinous events that occurred yet are celebrated by the vast majority of Gazans.  Surprisingly, in the civilized world, pro-Hamas protests are expected to attract our attention as they celebrate the massacre.

“As the world braces for the anniversary of Hamas’ deadly Oct. 7 attack, pro-Palestinian groups and organizations supporting Iran’s Axis of Resistance have unleashed a wave of protests across Western nations.  Some demonstrations featured Hezbollah flags and calls for Israel’s destruction….” – Israel Hayom, October 6, 2024

Let us not forget that these terrorists launched an attack and killed over 1,250 Israelis and foreign nationals, including women and children.  More than 250 were abducted and taken to Gaza.  The brutal, unprovoked October attack has scared our souls as we now witness the Evil that was unleashed that day and has remained not just alive but flourishing across much of the world.

Today gives the international community an opportunity to use their voices and demand an unconditional and immediate release of all hostages, alive and the dead.  They must also condemn Hamas and those Palestinian civilians who participated in the October massacre.  Anything short of a strong condemnation makes those nations complicit in this Evil.

It is not good enough to stand to the side and watch Israel defend themselves.  We must stand up with moral courage and in defiance against the barbarism of Hamas and their supporters in Iran and, yes, against those protesting today in support of Hamas.  Failure to do so means a black mark on their hearts and souls.

There can be no compromise, no ceasefire, no support for Hamas or any Gazan citizen until Hamas unconditionally returns the hostages and surrenders.  Their Brutality must be met with overwhelming military force and diplomatic pressure on all Hamas supporters, including those who “peacefully “ protest. There must be no quarter given.

I stand in solidarity with Israel during these most difficult times.  Some say that there are no winners in war.  That is false.  Israel’s defeat of Hamas and its supporters will be not just a military victory but a necessity for humanity.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

18 thoughts on “Pro-Hamas Protests Celebrate Massacre

  1. Frontier Man

    General Satterfield, well said. I see to many of our young people supporting this evil terror group Hamas but also ALL the muslim terror groups like Hezbollah and the Hooties. Please keep this kind of work before us , so that the crazies don’t take over the asylum.

  2. Abu'l Faḍl ابوالفضل

    America and Europe, beware of the pro-terrorist in your mist. Don’t be soft and allow it to fester.

    1. Jeff Blackwater

      National Students for Justice in Palestine assists a vast and diverse network of students, and our core values unite us as we carry on the fight for Palestinian liberation. National SJP upholds fifteen Shared Principles and Values developed alongside local chapters and movement partners. We are continuously crafting a political framework that addresses collective liberation from Palestine to the Rio Grande. We believe the struggle for a free Palestine is interconnected with the struggle for Black liberation, for gender-based and sexual freedom, and for a livable and sustainable planet. All pursuits for freedom, justice, and equality are materially intertwined and require us to struggle against state violence, colonialism, capitalism, and imperialism in all of their forms.

  3. Sissy Woman

    And yet in the USA liberal jewish voters will pull the lever for whatever democrat is on the ballot? They vote against reality and for more terror against the jewish state.

  4. catorenasci

    🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱 I stand with Israel. 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱

  5. Willie Strumburger

    In the United States, many Jews on the Left implicitly forgot their faith when they embraced identitarian progressivism. Since the days of the prophet Isaiah, Judaism has emphasised care for the poor, the oppressed, the widow and the orphan. To many Jews, explanatory frameworks such as critical race theory and intersectionality seemed to advance these noble aims. During Obama’s presidency, social justice activism began to invade American synagogue services. But when the people these Jews had mistaken for allies vigorously supported Hamas after October 7, it became impossible to ignore the fact that progressive ideology is fundamentally antisemitic.

    1. Kevin Cratz

      So very true, Willie and this should shock us all but it will not because we are so used to the ignorance of the young and the evil that lurks within us all. I agree that this really began under Obama, and we are hesitant to put the blame on him and his administration because he was the first black president but he was evil and YES I said it. Believe that and you will be putting your first foot on the path to a better world.

  6. Big Al

    Israelis and diaspora Jews and the world are compelled to think about the mass murders, tortures, rapes, and kidnappings that 6,000 Gazan invaders perpetrated a year ago.

  7. Yiddy of Macedonia

    Found on Gen. Satterfield’s link to Israel Hayom from user Brett H who said it well:
    “From what I remember of those clips of people removing or defacing posters of kidnapped hostages most of them were girls, and I say girls and not women. Girls around that age down through school are capable of attacking anothers self esteem or weakness with real cruelty, without seemingly been aware of the pure destruction involved. Most women will confirm seeing this in their school years. It’s a viciousness without real purpose, like someone pulling of the legs of an insect. Of course they’re useful idiots for the radicals and they’re large in numbers at protests, but they’re there for reasons nothing to do with Palestine and when interviewed have nothing to say, knowing nothing about the whole business. How to define this behaviour? I don’t know except to say it’s blind, unadulterated viciousness. I imagine those girls will just bury any guilt they feel and move on, unconcerned about what they did.”

  8. Pumpkin Spice

    This is why teaching of this woke ideology in schools and universities across the West has been a total unmitigated disaster for the world. It also shows the power of propaganda.

      1. Bird Man

        Is this what the world has come down to? Are we devolving? This is horrific that too many ordinary folks (as Gen. Satterfield likes to say) are so stupid and ignorant and purposefully evil. They should be ashamed of themsevles but they are not, they see themselves as superior to us all because they support “pro-Palestine” and pro-terrorist Hamas. What gives?

  9. Obama Cash

    It is really sad to see so many young people caught up in this.

    1. JT Patterson

      Easy, they are stupid and have been fed a bunch of propaganda by unsuspecting teachers for all their lives.


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