Category Archives: Professional Development

Duty in Action:  John “Black Jack” Pershing

By | September 12, 2020

[September 12, 2020]  Who was John “Black Jack” Pershing?  I remember my dad talking about how he met Pershing in Hot Springs, Arkansas, during the 1930s and how impressive and focused the retired Army General was at the time.  But John Pershing is, at best, an elusive figure in American history, where the fog of time obscured his… Read More »

Senior Leader Commander Traits that Win

By | August 30, 2020

[August 30, 2020]  At the Battle of Cowpens, January 1781, American Revolutionary General Daniel Morgan fought the British and won.  After repeated losses to the British, American forces were demoralized, beaten, and poorly lead.  Morgan changed the way Americans fought, and for this, we can learn what traits it takes for a senior commander to win. What were… Read More »

Don’t Just Read History

By | August 25, 2020

[August 25, 2020]  A regular theme found in my leadership website is the value of reading, especially the reading of history.  Reading is vital for the development of the mind and helping leaders improve their performance.  However, what is not generally recognized is that readers must also evaluate each reading as to the validity of the research and… Read More »