Putting the “E” back in DIME: Economic Power

By | January 29, 2025

[January 29, 2025]  A few days ago, when the United States attempted to return two planeloads of illegal immigrants to the country of Columbia, their president refused to allow the planes to land. Colombia’s president, Gustavo Petro, is a radical Marxist who is hated in his own country. Donald Trump would have none of this Marxist drivel when he put the “E” for Economic Power back in DIME.

What we are witnessing firsthand is the employment of selective measures to force another country to comply with new U.S. policies on deporting illegals. Trump was ready for anyone leading any country who might reject their citizens being returned. Petro also threatened to impose a retaliatory tariff on U.S. goods. That was a mistake.

Trump was informed of Petro’s decision while golfing. Immediately, he imposed steep tariffs on imports from Columbia and other sanctions like revoking visas. “These measures are just the beginning,” Trump wrote on Truth Social:

“We will not allow the Colombian Government to violate its legal obligations with regard to the acceptance and return of the Criminals they forced into the United States.” — Donald J. Trump on Truth Social, January 26, 2025

Petro surrendered in no time. President Trump had not completed his golf game before he came in from Columbia, so Petro agreed to all the terms to receive his citizens and offered Petro’s presidential plane to carry them.

The White House posted an announcement with a statement from Trump that he expects that “all other nations” will follow Columbia’s example. This is real leadership and exactly what the majority of Americans voted for. We no longer want to see America pushed around by two-bit dictators like they did with Joe Biden, a weak leader.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

16 thoughts on “Putting the “E” back in DIME: Economic Power

  1. Bryan Lee

    Thanks, Gen. Satterfield, great article that touches on strategic thinking.

    1. Sally Anne

      Yes, Ed, that is the direction that Donald J. Trump is headed. When you have the most powerful economy in the world – note that China failed to catch up and never will – then you have the most powerful tool to bring others into compliance with proper and good policies. That is good for everyone. Plus, I think the world is slowly coming to the realization that Communism and its sister ideologies don’t work.

  2. JT Patterson

    Putting the “E”back in DIME. Great article. Thank you, sir.

    1. Forrest Gump

      JT, as you know, as one of the regular readers of Gen. Satterfield’s leadership website that he is focused on keeping us informed on those things requiring good leadership. And this idea of President Donald Trump making fast, hard-hitting changes to reign in wokeness is a great thing for America. We can help,by supporting him and vote for those he endorses. One thing I noticed in the last election was that all the Democrats have gone off the deep ideological end and their policies and actions show them to be radically insane. I’ll never vote Blue again, ever.

      1. Eduardo

        Good points, Forrest. I too am pretty happy about this change in America, as Trump steers the mighty America back to where she should be.

  3. Gays for Trump

    America is back. Good news for us all, and even for those in the liberal Democrat Party who try to destroy the U.S.

    1. The Kid

      😁 So very true, Wesley. We are seeing exceptional leadership in real time. And this is such a huge contrast to a corrupt and superficial “leader” like Joe Biden. Too bad we have a lapdog media – no trust in the media – that continues to lie and distort and gaslight us. Let’s all get behind a great Amerand the world will,see the advantages we have and want to copy us. 😁

  4. Frankie Boy

    Nailed it …. Thank you, President Trump.
    “We will not allow the Colombian Government to violate its legal obligations with regard to the acceptance and return of the Criminals they forced into the United States.” — Donald J. Trump on Truth Social, January 26, 2025

  5. American Girl

    It’s going to take time as Americas makes a rapid comeback. What Gen. Doug Satterfield is saying here is that strong, focused, smart leadership can and will make dramatic differences in outcome. We see this also in CEOs who take over failing businesses and bring them back from certain bankruptcy. America has not seen good leadership under Joe Biden, despite the constant gaslighting by a corrupt media and political Democrats desperate to hold onto power at any cost (that cost making America weaker). The American people saw this and overwhelmingly voted for Trump. And now we are beginning to see the possibilities that will be advantageous to us. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

    1. Nick Lighthouse

      Well said, American Girl. Indeed, Biden was weak. Very much like Jimmy Carter was weak. Both allowed Evil to spread inside America by coddling criminals over ordinary citizens. They thought they were being kind and compassionate. But that is not how to deal with hardened criminals and terrorists. Now we have a strong leader who will do good for all of us and those in the Western world.


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