Race, Character, & the Government: Revisited

By | August 31, 2024

[August 31, 2024]  NOTE:  Ten years ago, I published an article by a new guest blogger who goes by the pen name “Sadako Red.”  He has written several articles about the worship of race and sex in our federal government, as they largely ignore competence.  I was pleased with his work, and I’m bringing this article back because his writing is more relevant today than it was ten years ago when I published it.  Barack Obama was president at the time and that helps explain Sadako Red’s somber mood.  Guest blogger Sadako Red, thank you for your insight [see his disclaimer].

[September 21, 2014] Greetings to all leaders!  I didn’t write my column for a bit; alas I have a life, small as it is.  Football season is here and that means we’re ready for cooler temperatures; and here in Washington DC that will be a welcomed relief.  What the football season will not do for us is cool off the political rhetoric about “race.”   In my column today I propose that among our most senior political leaders that the “race” of a person means everything and “character” means little.  Whenever race and character are in competition, race wins out over all other traits combined in our federal government and this is true for everything: hiring, promotion, the passing of laws and regulations, and the attention of our government’s most trusted elected officials and most senior civil servants.

 Our senior-most leaders “see” things in a racial context even when it does not exist.  The reason is simple, they get vast attention from the left-of-center media when they do and they get votes to keep them at the tit of the government pig.  That’s right folks, the government is like a pig (yes, I’m offending pigs) because it’s fat, slow, and stupid.  Politicians at this level are addicted to the money, power, and the lavish attention paid to them.  That’s why in political circles the priority of attention is first to race (includes ethic groups), then to gender, and then maybe, just maybe, to religion and then all the other lesser issues like handicap, sexual orientation, etc.  These guys are very visual and personal character is something you can’t see; otherwise, it’s not important to them unless they’re getting political pressure.  Don’t believe me?   Just ask them and they just might tell you the truth; oh, the truth doesn’t mean much to them?

 Readers, I know what you’re thinking – I’m just a racist, sexist, and mean person pointing out minor flaws in our political system.  Here’s the little secret Washington doesn’t want you to know ….. this is not something minor!  It’s endemic and it’s been in the open since President Clinton helped get it going strong.  All of the American federal government agencies have an unwritten and unspoken secondary purpose and that is to provide employment to those less capable of making it in the business world.  Ever wonder why government employees are generally inefficient, possess poor customer skills, don’t show up to work, and have no accountability?  I’m including the military in this too.  Character is simply unimportant while visible things, like race and gender, are essential to our political elite.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Sadako Red

Author: Sadako Red Disclaimer: I chose the pen name Sadako Red in order to remove any notoriety reflecting on my other real job as a very senior executive in the Department of Defense. Naturally, my opinion is my opinion only and despite DoD wanting to associate with my fine work, they cannot have it. Trust me, they want it. Trust me, they can’t stand for it.

17 thoughts on “Race, Character, & the Government: Revisited

  1. Paulette Johnson

    I’m a yuge fan of Margaret Thatcher, past PM of Britain and conservative politician. She was an example of what it meant to have a stable and rich country. Now Britain is in free fall as it allows Muslim immigration unlimited. Nearly all the Muslims do is suck off the tit of the government and that is their culture to do so. They are stupid, lazy, ignorant, full of hate for the West, and pop out kids to teach them the same thing. Be like Germany and vote convervative.

  2. corralesdon

    Gen. Satterfield, thank you for bringing back Sadako Red. Now, I would like to hear from him again and give us an update on what Washington DC is like under absent Biden-Harris administration.

  3. Watson Bell

    “The government is like a pig, fat, slow, and stupid.” – Sadako Red. Sir, you just made my day. Even if your article is from 10 years ago, it remains just as viable and relevant today as then. With the Democrat Party in charge, nothing is more important than bringing on board those who would do harm to America.

  4. Edward G.

    NAILED IT ..
    “Readers, I know what you’re thinking – I’m just a racist, sexist, and mean person pointing out minor flaws in our political system. Here’s the little secret Washington doesn’t want you to know ….. this is not something minor! It’s endemic and it’s been in the open since President Clinton helped get it going strong. All of the American federal government agencies have an unwritten and unspoken secondary purpose and that is to provide employment to those less capable of making it in the business world. Ever wonder why government employees are generally inefficient, possess poor customer skills, don’t show up to work, and have no accountability? I’m including the military in this too. Character is simply unimportant while visible things, like race and gender, are essential to our political elite.” – Sadako Red

  5. Sadako Red

    Thank you again, Gen. Satterfield for publishing my article from 10 years ago when I had a little more time on my hands as I was only working to defeat the remove the horrible policies and ignorant people hired by Barack Obama and now today I have to do the same with Biden-Harris, both who are unfunny clowns. This makes for a long day but I’m proud to have Gen. Satterfield reprint one of my articles, which I had a good time writing, BTW. 🧧

    1. Lou Schmerconish

      Hi Sadako Red, big fan here. Thanks for what you are doing to stop the craziness in Washington DC. It takes someone strong to do it.

      1. Audrey

        Gotcha. Yepper. Sadaka Red is Da Man. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Love his writings.

  6. Melissa Jackson

    Gen. Satterfield, thank you for highlighting one of RED’s articles but we would all like to know where RED is and what is he doing. Can you suggest to him that he write more articles for us (and for the world, ha ha). Now that would make out day. On another note, this article is right on target. He talks about how race and sex but also now about mental illness (LGBTQI+++) has become the go-to requirement to be in public office. Nothing, for example, from the Kamala Harris campaign about this except she wants everyone to be equal. You know, those who “do fries” at McDonalds will now get paid the same as Medical Doctors. Yeah, let’s see how that works.

    1. Greg Heyman

      Good points Melissa. Our government has devolved into a mess. Now we have a confirmed liar – Time Walz as VP – and on the ticket. Ghee, this makes perfect sense in particular when they require you be some kind of weirdo to be in elected office as a Democrat. I do think Sadako Red’s article applies all to the Democrat Party.

      1. Bernie

        This is why a small government is necessary. It makes it easier to keep the corruption down to a minimum and it stays out of our lives.


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