Radical Leftists’ Obsession Over Symbols

By | June 18, 2024

[June 18, 2024]  In my preoccupation studying totalitarian regimes, their military systems, governmental policies, and ideologies, one of the more fascinating ideas that keep cropping up is their obsession over symbols.  This idea of the fear of or attraction to symbols is a particularly strong feature of radical leftist political ideas.

The old flag that I’m using as a thumbnail for this article is an example.  Leftists in America will, without much thinking, say they are okay with this flag.  They would not accept the “Stars and Bars” of the Confederacy, wherever they see such a flag.  I wrote in an article from 2015 that:

“Today our nation’s leaders debate the symbolism of the Confederate Flag and consider banning it from public property – and from polite society – because it represents the acceptance of slavery and of a divided nation.”

The Confederate Flag and the Nazi Swastika are the two most hated symbols in America.  Put one on your car and drive around will get plenty of attention that such a person might not want.  That is because of the visceral reaction leftists have over ideas they oppose.

In this article’s thumbnail, is a seven-star flag, made in 1861 to commemorate the first wave of Confederate States to secede from the Union.  While Northern children waved 13 star flags and flags with the full star count, some of their Southern counterparts waved 7 and 8 star flags as a subtle means of displaying Confederate loyalties.

What I found absolutely amazing is that many of the hardcore political leftists keep these symbols in their homes, often under cover and hidden, and brag about having them to their closest friends.  I know because they tell me too.  I can see the radicals for who they really are.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

18 thoughts on “Radical Leftists’ Obsession Over Symbols

  1. Kerry

    Expect nothing different. This is just the latest “religion” of the nimrods that make up the leftist state of America.

  2. Doc Blackshear

    Yep, but symbols are easy to identify with and “easy” sums up leftists thinking anyway.

  3. Chuck USA

    Got this off PowerLineBlog and found it interesting.
    Militant Islam is on the march, Hamas slaughters Jews and holds Americans hostage, and Biden looks for ways to help Iran, on the cusp of gaining nuclear weapons. The Delaware Democrat has inflicted sub-Carter economic misery on the people, and in his September 1, 2022 speech, Biden said the greatest threat comes from those who want the nation to be great. More Americans seem to be thinking that way, but the CIA and FBI are openly deployed against them, as are the establishment media. The “most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics” that Biden touted in 2020 is still in place, perhaps now including millions of unvetted illegals now in the country. As Al Michaels might say, you can’t make this up. The polls look favorable, but Americans may still need a miracle. As Trump likes to say, we’ll have to see what happens.

  4. Bryan Z. Lee

    Thank you, sir, for another insightful article. I too don’t think many in America or around the world really put their brain in gear and actually think things through before they engage in action.

  5. JT Patterson

    Reading most of the comments so far, and knowing most of the audience that read Gen. Satterfield’s articles, I can see a pattern that says leftists don’t have any real idea of the philosophical underpinnings of their thinking. I won’t deny that but they do have an idea that anyone who is oppressed is GOOD and anyone who is the oppressor is BAD/EVIL. That is false, of course, but I think that works for them because it is easy to understand and apply. So if you are part of a group of people who help others and at the same time crush that culture, then you are evil. Now. that is crazy but the way these leftists think.

  6. Eye Cat

    This comment by gen. Satterfield is correct but the premise behind the debate of our congressmen is false. “Today our nation’s leaders debate the symbolism of the Confederate Flag and consider banning it from public property – and from polite society – because it represents the acceptance of slavery and of a divided nation.”

  7. Semi Truck

    Leftists will never be consistent in their ideas or use and non use of symbols becuase they are just too dumb.

    1. Randy Goodman

      Hi Semi Truck, welcome to Gen. Satterfield’s leadership forum where you can gain a better understanding of the ideas of Gen. Satterfield, add your own, get a better perspective on other ideas, and generally gain some knowledge of the insights of Gen. S. Thanks for making good, grounded comments.

      1. Idiot Savant

        Hi Randy, haven’t heard from u in a while. Hope you and your family are well. I also find this article interesting but no surprise that those on the left – read that as the nasty arm of the Democrat Party – are bereft of any idea at all. They are just sucking up the propaganda and have no idea of reality. As for the protesters against Israel. No problem, just go live in Gaza for a while and see how that works out for you.

  8. Willie Strumburger

    I would have also not guessed the flag you use as a thumbnail is a Confederate Flag. Makes sense that they didn’t have what we today think of the Confederate Flag in the beginning. Thanks for the historical info. But do not think ever that leftists anywhere, inside or outside America, do anything at all that makes sense. They are not intellectually consistent. They just memorize what they are for and what they are against and they are taught hate and disgust at those who do not think their way. Gen. Satterfield is giving us some good info here. Please consider writing more about the lack of any basis of the leftists. BTW, I see a surge of conservative governance in the West. America is next to go back to common sense.

    1. Valkerie

      Thanks Willie and great comment.


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