[May 27, 2018] I know that it has far too long between book reviews but I couldn’t help it with all the recent activity on my leadership blog that kept me busier than expected. Plus, the real reason is that my wife and I just saw the arrival of our new granddaughter and that took us away from our home. The nice weather has also affected my writing and I do appreciate the very positive feedback given to me during this special time. A special note, I want to give, to the developing fan club of mine (and to several of my guest writers) that your comments are greatly appreciated and helpful. My intent in www.theleadermaker.com is to get us to “think” and to use “reasoning” to solve the problems of leaders around the globe. Today, I’m again introducing Thomas Sowell but this time with his newest book that will set the American progressive ideology on fire.
Discrimination and Disparities, Thomas Sowell, 2018.
An American economist and acclaimed social theorist, Thomas Sowell, has again made his mark on a sensitive topic and, true to his style, shows us that he can tackle politically charged topics with the ease of a child who jumps rope with her friends. Threading the complexities of the topic of discrimination and the desperate outcomes thought to evolve from it, is his straightforward bailiwick of fine skills. Sowell gives us loads of intelligence (evaluated and analyzed data) and does so without resorting to undue emotion or hyperbole. I will say this about his book; it should be read by anyone about to enter the university system or expects to learn about economics.
Thomas Sowell provides us with a logical view of the decisions being made all around us. Fortunately, he provides examples that point to the effects of political decision-making; the good, the bad, and the ugly. This book is another of his works that provide an exceptional looks at the American experience and, as a black man, achieved high success before the Civil Rights Movement began. As a primer on discrimination, Sowell writes in a common tongue while delivering timeless wisdom and much needed commons sense. Don’t let your prejudices prevent you from reading this wonderful book. Highly recommended.
To go to the full Professional Reading list, simply click on this direct link: www.theleadermaker.com/reading-list/
Side Note: Please remember and take a look at Tom Copeland’s reading blog. His website, which I highly recommend, can be found here: https://militaryreadinglists.com/map
Good point Andrew. Let’s not forget that Sowell is indeed a smart man but more importantly, he can clearly say what needs saying. Otherwise, why even write a book. I’ll give an example of a book that is completely a waste of time to read. The book by Hillary Clinton that gives excuse upon excuse of her victimhood in not winning the presidency. The very fact that her book was written speaks volumes about the differences in Clinton and Sowell.
The title of his book “Discrimination and Disparities” should not be overlooked. He suggests that it is not discrimination that creates disparities in outcomes but a variety of factors, most of which we personally control or at least have influence over.
Thanks Billy and others. I will add the fact that regardless of what you want to do as a leader, reading Sowell’s stuff will expand your thinking. Those who avoid his writings because they believe he is a “conservative” are leaving part of their brain on the table.
For those looking for a complete list of books and articles, they can be found on Thomas Sowell’s official website. Go here for the list: http://tsowell.com/writings.html
Good one.
Another book to make me think! Gracias.
Me too! Cheers!
If only I’d known a man like this growing up in NYC. How much faster I would have learned that victimhood is a road to nowhere.
All thumbs up on this recommendation.
A pleasure to read straight-forward comments from Thomas Sowell. He is a deep thinker but can clearly articulate his thoughts to the common man like me.
Please take a look at the link I have at the bottom of my Reading List today. It’s Tom Copeland’s reading blog. He gives us the books and articles read by senior leaders. I highly recommend his site.
Thanks. I go to Tom Copeland’s blog frequently to check on new reading lists. Good reference for what successful, senior leaders are reading.
I like the military leader Reading Lists. Thanks.
Thank you Gen Satterfield. Cheers! My dad is now reading your blog.
Thanks for the recommendation to read this Reader List blog. Very mature blog.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” My favorite quote by Thomas Sowell. Thanks Gen S. for your Reading List today.
You can find a host of quotes by Thomas Sowell at this link. There are really good !!
There are those who can think clearly and communicate such. There are those who are muddled in their thinking and communicate the muddle. Sowell is the former and I’m glad for it.
If this book is as good as his previous writings, I’m sure to not be disappointed. Good work by this man will always be the highlight of our modern society.
I just finished reading Discrimination and Disparities. This is another wonderful book by Thomas Sowell. Thank you Gen Satterfield for giving us a brief summary of the book and recommendation.
I ordered his book based on your recommendation and expect it in the mail shortly. Thanks.
Bravo on giving us a focus on Thomas Sowell’s new book. This man is a great thinker and those who fail to read his works will be smaller for that decision.