Category Archives: Respect

Courage:  Riley Gaines

By | July 11, 2023

[July 11, 2023]  For several years, I’ve had a series on courage (links here), and it is one of the more popular and garnering many comments across the political spectrum.  I’m proud to write today about a young lady who truly embodies the spirit of courage, and she is Riley Gaines, an American former competitive swimmer who competed… Read More »

Colonialism: A Moral Reckoning

[July 9, 2023]  In his book Colonialism: A Moral Reckoning, published just this year, Professor Nigel Biggar presents a strong case that our present understanding of colonialism has little grounding in fact.  Using the BritishEmpires’ system, he shows, contrary to popular belief, that British colonialism was a strong force that marshaled itself against slavery, racism, and other “sins”… Read More »