Category Archives: Respect

Mohawk Indians: Iron and Bravery

By | April 11, 2014

[April 11, 2014]  They were known as the Brooklyn Mohawks and they were famous as “fearless high-rise construction workers.”  As iron workers and riveters, they helped make the New York City skyline in the early 20th Century.  As senior leaders know, leadership employs bravery (moral or physical courage).  The Iroquois Nation’s culture1 with a “warrior ethic” was a… Read More »

Univ. of Connecticut Basketball Champions

By | April 8, 2014

[April 08, 2014]  Congratulations to the University of Connecticut basketball team for their 2014 National Championship win last night.  No one expected them to be a winner this season after their NCAA suspension last year, some team members leaving, and several poor games; but they did win.  And they won big. Listening to what the players had to… Read More »

Gold Star Wives and Leadership

By | April 6, 2014

[April 06, 2014]  On April 5th, we paid respect to the Gold Star Wives of America 69th anniversary of the founding of their organization.  Its goal is to provide support for the spouses and children of those in the Armed Forces who lost their lives.  This organization has outstanding leaders who should be commended on their great works.… Read More »

Hero: Jeremiah Denton

By | March 30, 2014

[March 30, 2014]  There are many events from the Vietnam War that we all remember; most about heroes, some about leadership, and a few so unique and inspiring that we can never forget them.  In 1966, one involved a captured U.S. serviceman who was on international television answering North Vietnamese interviewer’s propaganda questions.  Jeremiah Denton did so while… Read More »

Vietnam War: March 08, 1965

By | March 8, 2014

[March 08, 2014]  On this date began the official escalation of the Vietnam War and the beginning of a war that directly took on Communism.  3,500 Marines landed to defend the American base at Da Nang. They joined 23,000 military advisors that were already in Vietnam.  Over 26 years later, on December 26, 1991 the USSR was officially… Read More »

U.S. Hockey Team Win over Russia

By | February 15, 2014

[February 15, 2014]  Everyone likes a winner.  Touted as the biggest win since the 1980 U.S. Hockey team was victorious over the USSR team in the 1980 Olympics, the U.S. team beat the Russian team today.  While the hockey contests still continue, this was a more important psychological victory.  Leadership in action!  Our respect goes out to the… Read More »

Valentine’s Day

By | February 14, 2014

[February 14, 2014]  Happy Valentine’s Day to all the lovers. Valentine’s Day, also known as Saint Valentine’s Day and the Feast of Saint Valentine, was first associated with romantic love in the High Middle Ages, when the tradition of courtly love flourished.  In 18th-century England, it evolved into an occasion in which lovers expressed their love for each… Read More »

Seattle Seahawks Win Super Bowl XLVIII

By | February 3, 2014

[February 03, 2014]  Leadership comes in many forms and how it affects organizations is unpredictable in so many ways.  Last night the Seattle Seahawks won Super Bowl XLVIII with a score 43 to 8; an unexpected and convincing win that demonstrates the changeable nature of leadership and how its impact can transform people. Interestingly, the Denver Broncos were… Read More »

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

By | January 20, 2014

[January 20, 2014]  Today we recognize and give our respect to Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK), whose leadership helped move the U.S. toward the ideal of eliminating racial discrimination.  MLK was the leader and chief spokesperson for the civil rights movement – protesting racial discrimination in federal and state law. MLK was largely responsible for the nonviolent protest… Read More »