[April 17, 2014] Leadership is about having a vision and being able to bring forth the resources (people, money, processes) to see it accomplished. We are always looking for examples of leaders who truly show vision. Richard Branson is that man.
Delta Sky Magazine (yes, I fly a lot with Delta so I read their magazine), in their most recent April1 edition has featured Mr. Branson, calling him “rocket man.” Yet, we find that he is much much more than a rocket man but a real visionary and leader who is able to accomplish what he seeks to do. For example, he has been a successful businessman in mobile phones, balloon adventures, car racing, records, airlines, and now in outer space tourism. We see them often in his Virgin Group2 enterprise.
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[1] http://deltaskymag.delta.com/Sky-Extras/Favorites/Richard-Branson.aspx